Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Wife Who Knew Too Much - Mystery Review

Goodreads: The Wife Who Knew Too Much by Michele Campbell

Rating: Liked It!

Source: Publisher 

Description:  Tabitha Girard had her heart broken years ago by Connor Ford. He was preppy and handsome. She was a pool girl at his country club. Their affair should have been a summer fling. But it meant everything to Tabitha.

Years later, Connor comes back into Tabitha's life—older, richer, and desperately unhappy. He married for money, a wealthy, neurotic, controlling woman whom he never loved. He has always loved Tabitha.

When Connor’s wife Nina takes her own life, he’s free. He can finally be with Tabitha. Nina’s home, Windswept, can be theirs. It seems to be a perfect ending to a fairy tale romance that began so many years ago. But then, Tabitha finds a diary. "I’m writing this to raise an alarm in the event of my untimely death," it begins. “If I die unexpectedly, it was foul play, and Connor was behind it. Connor—and her.”

Who is Connor Ford? Why did he marry Nina? Is Tabitha his true love, or a convenient affair? As the police investigate Nina’s death, is she a convenient suspect?

As Tabitha is drawn deeper into the dark glamour of a life she is ill-prepared for, it becomes clear to her that what a wife knows can kill her.

Genre: Mystery

Why I Picked This Book:  I thought the premise sounded fascinating and I've enjoyed a previous book by this author.

My Impression:  I flew through this read in 2 sittings finishing it up at 3AM without realizing where the hours had gone.  I've been in the mood for nothing but cozy mysteries so it was kind of fun to step a bit outside of that and go for something a little darker with a little more tension.  

When a book is this fast paced I don't really expect to like the characters but in this case I did really like Tabitha.  I don't think she could make a good decision (especially when it came to men) to save her life.  She's caught up in the dream and romance and while I don't think she's particularly dumb she doesn't come off as a person who has a huge amount of common sense.   This helped keep me from being frustrated when she steps into situations that are clearly not what they seem.  Sure the reader knows better then to trust someone or go somewhere but it seems reasonable that Tabitha doesn't.  She's just acting on impulse which is very true to who she is.  

There's a distinct Rebecca note to part of the book which I very much enjoyed but instead of the terrifying housekeeper there's a rather business-like assistant.  As well the suspense element while not overwhelming kept me reading.  I wanted to know what happened next and just how everything would unravel.  I wasn't disappointed.  My only issue is there is a bit of a redemption arc at the very end that I just couldn't believe but that was a minor issue.

If you're looking for a good fast paced read that isn't cozy but not so scary that you'll be double checking locks this is a perfect pick.  
Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Definitely!  This was an entertaining read and a nice break from cozies.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you like fast paced mysteries with tension and suspense but not so much that you'll be pulling the blankets over your head at every sound this is a good choice.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. This sounds good. I've been devouring these types of reads of late. They pull me in and hold me there.

  2. Sounds like an interesting one!

  3. Oooh, this one sounds good! Glad you enjoyed it, even if you lost a little bit of sleep :)

  4. I have never read this author, but I do love the sound of this one. I especially like that it kept you engaged until you were finished. Thanks for sharing.

  5. A change of genre can be fun for the reading brain!
