Sunday, June 28, 2020

Our first week in the land of leukemia

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

It’s actually Wednesday when I’m writing this so it hasn’t been a full week yet but it’s been crazy.  Thursday June 18 our perfectly healthy 10 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia.  When I say perfectly healthy he had never even had antibiotics in his entire life until that night.  When they asked us about allergies and reactions to medicine I literally had no idea because he’s only taken Benadryl and Tylenol and even that was very rarely.   On Thursday we took a kid who I thought maybe might have mono to the pediatrician and was sent to the ER.  When that happens you pretty much know something bad is going to happen and the official diagnosis followed a couple of hours later.  They sent us to St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, TN the next day and it will be our new home for the next three months.  

The prognosis is very good and every test result has come back with the best results they can.  The medical team says things could not look better.  So right now we are day by day with seeing how he feels and responding to that.  It’s a mix of sitting and trying to stay out of your head and being incredibly busy.  I’m writing this during the waiting part and it’s a nice distraction.  He will survive this and not only will he survive it he will be fine.  We’ve been told over and over again that this is a detour and not a derailment.  There is a hallway downstairs in the hospital with picture after picture of adults holding a picture of themselves as patients and those are just the former patients who now work at St Jude.  

If anyone is interested you can join his face book group here -

I’m going to be blogging some for a distraction and for normalcy.  You guys have been a big part of my life for a long time and it’s nice to come visit.


  1. I am so glad to hear that the outcome looks so positive. St. Jude's is the best, from what I've seen and heard. They will take good care of all of you.

    Stay safe and hang in there. Enjoy books when you can!

  2. I have been following on your facebook group and I am so glad to hear that he is coming through this very well. I continue to send up prayers for him and your family. *hugs*


  3. Very glad the news is so positive - he is such a bonny looking boy! And he is clearly getting the best care possible. You are in my thoughts, Katherine - I popped along to the Facebook page and so glad to see how well he is doing. Hugsx

  4. I'm glad the prognosis is good and St. Jude is a well-respected and great place to be. We will be here with you. Stay safe and well!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  5. I’m thrilled to learn the prognosis is so positive, wishing you all love and strength x

  6. I am so happy to hear that he has a good prognosis. I just hate that you are having to deal with it. I have been thinking of you and your family.

  7. That is so great that he will be fine once he gets through this. Hang in there!!!

  8. Fingers crossed. Glad there is a highly positive diagnosis.

  9. I like that a detour, not a derailment. Have been following your journey on Facebook, praying and thinking of you - take care.

  10. So glad the news is positive! Keeping your family in my prayers.

  11. I'm glad your baby's prognosis is so good. Still, the whole ordeal must be horribly stressful and scary for all of you. You all are in my prayers.

  12. Hang on to all that great energy surrounding you, it really does wonderful things. 💟Sending The Tornado all the healing energies. You will be surprised how steadily three months will float by. I will join his support group. (((((((HUGS)))))))

  13. I am so happy that the outcome is so positive. My prayers.

  14. I'm so glad that the outlook is so positive though I imagine that it won't stop the worry and fear during the process. I'm not on Facebook so I can't join you all but I am thinking about you all. *hugs*

  15. Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts and hugs xx

  16. It's so wonderful to here te news is very positive. I have you all in my prayers.

  17. What wonderful and postive news, if you had to go through this at all. I'm not on FB so I will just email you today.

  18. Katherine so sorry your son and family have to go through this. I'm happy the news does seem so positive.

  19. Glad the news is positive... you're all in my thoughts!

  20. I like that phrase of being a detour and not a derailment. I feel like that needs to be put on a t-shirt because of the message. I've been visiting over at Facebook, but not the same name, so you'd have to do a treasure hunt to find my Likes(lol) Yay to all the pictures around to encourage others. Continue to hang in there, and I'm still sending up prayers. RO

  21. Wonderful to hear that the news is positive. You & your family will remain in my thoughts.

  22. I'm so glad and relieved that things are off to a good start. I hope that continues. Thinking of you and your family.

  23. I am so glad the prognosis is good, Katherine. I can't even imagine what you are going through. The fear and love and anxiety and hope . . . I am praying and thinking of you and your family.
