Wednesday, June 17, 2020

My Favorite Books for the First Half of 2020

I think it's safe to say that 2020 has not gone the way anyone has expected.  But thankfully there are always books and here are 10 of my favorites for 2020 so far.  I'm looking at just new to me reads so no rereads but not necessarily books that were published actually in 2020.  

The House that Vanity Built by Nancy Cole Silverman - I adored the first book in this paranormal cozy involving old Hollywood and the second book was maybe just as good and definitely just as fun.

The Storm Sister by Lucinda Riley - I really loved the first book but it was so long it felt like it dragged a bit so I decided to listen to the second book and it was a delight.  The narrators were perfection and while this was still pretty hefty I was enthralled from beginning to end.

One Perfect Summer by Brenda Novak - This was a perfect escapist read that just pulled me in and kept me reading.

The Read Aloud Family: Making Meaningful and Lasting Connections with Your Kids by Sarah Mackenzie - We are just finishing up our first year of homeschool and I've been amazed by how much we've both enjoyed reading aloud.  I nodded along through all this book and it definitely inspired me to keep reading!

Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan - Two words - puffin sidekick.  This was a delight and one of my favorite Colgan reads.

Sugar and Vice by Eve Calder - I enjoyed the first book in this cozy mystery series involving delicious sounding treats but this second one involving pirate treasure, missing persons, and deep dark family secrets was just an absolute treat to read.

Caught Dead Handed by Carol J. Perry - I read 2 later books in the series but went back to the first book and thoroughly enjoyed it!  Solid mystery with a fun spooky Salem, MA setting.

The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax by Dorothy Gilman - I've read other books in the series but never the first one.  It's absolute madness and completely unrealistic but such fun.

Ten Days Gone by Beverly Long - I enjoy police procedurals but get frustrated with how dysfunctional the detectives are.  These are people with baggage but more of a how do you actually get out of bed and function every day level issues.  I really liked that the two main detectives in this book while not perfect are regular people and the mystery was solid and a great read.  I'm reading the second book next month and can't wait.

Thimble Summer by Elizabeth Enright - This was a nice simple story about a nice girl and her nice family on a Wisconsin farm.  Enright is one of my favorite authors and while this wasn't my favorite of hers it was a lovely read.

What are some of your favorite reads for the first half of the year?


  1. Jenny Colgan's books are so much fun! I haven't read this particular one, but it's on my TBR list (along with everything else Colgan has written).

  2. So many great books. I am eager to read more from Jenny Colgan, and I'm curious about The House that Vanity Built.

  3. I loved The House That Vanity Built. I really want to read Sugar and Vice. I loved the first book.

  4. You said it, 202 has definitely not gone as anyone expected or hoped. I think my favorite books for the past 6 months are The Dutch House and Bel Canto by Ann Patchett, for Nonfiction the John Glenn memoir and one of my old favorites The Shell Seekers.

  5. This is probably a great time for me to finally try a Jenny Colgan novel! Thanks for reminding me to get started on my midyear list.

  6. I never thought of half way through the year! Oh my. Love your choices and comments. Yes a narrator makes a big difference to a long story and for that reason some of the L Riley series has been better than others. I loved Mr Puffin side-kick! I have been since on a Jenny Colgan binge and now listening to her latest one. I have the third one of the puffin books sitting on my shelf. And that will be read not in the too far distance!

  7. I see some in there I have read and enjoyed! :) And some I need to try!

  8. Can't believe the year is half over! I've not read near as much as I usually do and looks like I missed some good ones.

  9. I really liked the first book in the Bromance Book Club series. It made me LOL and I think I had read it in a day. I also liked The City Baker's Guide to Country Living.

  10. I think I'd be hard pushed to have a top ten of favourites so far if I don't include re-reads! It's scary to think that half a year has gone by...
