Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Summer Skies - Fiction Review

Goodreads:  The Summer Skies by Jenny Colgan

Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Morag MacIntyre is a Scottish lass from the remote islands that make up the northernmost reaches of the UK. She's also a third-generation pilot, the heir apparent to an island plane service she runs with her grandfather. The islands--over 500 dots of windswept land that reach almost to Norway--rely on their one hardworking prop plane to deliver mail, packages, tourists, medicine, and the occasional sheep. As the keeper of this vital lifeline, Morag is used to landing on pale golden beaches and tiny grass airstrips, whether during great storms or on bright endless summer nights. Up in the blue sky, Morag feels at one with the elements.

Down on the ground is a different matter, though. Her grandfather is considering and Morag wonders if she truly wants to spend the rest of her life in the islands. Her boyfriend Hayden, from flight school, wants Morag to move to Dubai with him, where they'll fly A380s and say goodbye to Scotland's dark winters.

Morag is on the verge of making a huge life change when an unusually bumpy landing during a storm finds her marooned on Inchborn island. Inchborn is gloriously off-grid, home only to an ancient ruined abbey, a bird-watching station, and a population of one: Gregor, a visiting ornithologist from Glasgow who might have just the right perspective to help Morag pilot her course.

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  I love Jenny Colgan's books and this sounded interesting.

My Impression:  I have complicated feelings about this book.  Normally Colgan's books are warm and cozy reads with quirky characters and a cozy if somewhat dilapidated setting.  This was a bit different for me.  For starters I was never quite certain how I felt about Morag or Gregor.  On first meeting I didn't really like either of them and by the end I still wasn't sure I liked either of them but at the same time I could relate to Morag and was rooting for them.   I also found that it had a bit of a slow start.  I didn't care much about the history of McIntyre Air and didn't enjoy the pre-Scotland part of the book where the focus was just on Morag.  I honestly was considering DNF'ing it.

But then something happened.  I'm not exactly sure when it happened or what changed but suddenly I realized it was 2 in the morning and I really didn't want to put the book down even though I had a busy day the next day. I wanted to find out what happened next and how the story continued to progress.  When I finally made myself put the book down and get to sleep I couldn't wait to pick it up and get back to Inchborn island the next day.  

I can't say this is my favorite Colgan book and I can't say that I ever really grew to love Morag or Gregor but I did end up really enjoying it.  It has a bit of a different feel than the usual Colgan book and I'm so glad I stuck with it through the slower part.  This was an entertaining read with unusual characters and a unique premise.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Absolutely!  Colgan is one of my favorite authors andd I always look forward to her books.

Would I Recommend this Book?  I would!  Despite the slow start I ended up really enjoying this one.

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. This sounds really good. It's on my wishlist.

  2. Interesting. I'll remember it has a slow start when I get to this one. Glad you kept going and DNF the DNF.
