Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Books I'm Looking Forward to Reading in the 2nd Half of 2023


My focus this year has been to read the books I really want to read instead of putting them off for other things so that they never get read.  I finished reading my first list of books I hA little while ago the Top Ten Tuesday topic was about anticipated releases for the second half of the year and it was so fun to look at the upcoming books.  It got me thinking about focusing on another ten books that I'm excited to read.  Some are new or upcoming releases and some are just books that have been sitting on my TBR for far too long.

1.  Now You See It by Carol J. Perry - I kind of thought this series was done so I was so excited to see this new release coming out in September.

2.  Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan - I adored The Christmas Bookshop and am so excited to visit that world again.

3.  Let It Crow! Let It Crow! Let It Crow! by Donna Andrews - I love this series and the holiday books are always my favorite.  This one looks so fun.

4.  A Traitor in Whitehall by Julia Kelly - I've only read one book by this author but I really loved it and this one sounds really good.

5.  The Inheritance by Nora Roberts - This first book in a new trilogy by Roberts involves a ghost and I love her ghost books!

6.  The Little Italian Hotel by Phaedra Patrick - I've been wanting to read this author for years and actually own a few of her books.  This one has really caught my eye.  Not only does it have a gorgeous cover but I love a found family plot.

7.  The Grace of Wild Things by Heather Fawcett - This is a middle grade fantasy that I've heard such good things about and it looks absolutely gorgeous.

8.  A Skeleton in the Family by Leigh Perry - This is the first in a cozy mystery that looks so fun and I've heard such good things about it!  I'm really looking forward to reading this one.

9.  Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt by Lucinda Riley and Harry Whittaker - I got this from the library but decided I would prefer it on audio so I returned it.  And I still haven't listened to it.  I've really loved this series and am so looking forward to seeing how everything is resolved.

10. Homecoming by Kate Morton - This is another favorite author and this one really looks fantastic.  I'm excited to prioritize picking this one up before the year ends.  


  1. What a lovely selection of books! I MUST read one of Kate Morton's offerings - Mum loves her writing. And I've thoroughly enjoyed Heather Fawcett's adult fantasy adventure, so this one looks like it would be a good match for me, too. As for The Little Italian Hotel - what a fabulous cover... Thank you for sharing, Katherine and I hope you get to tuck into these gems during the rest of 2023:)).

  2. Hi Katherine!

    Homecoming is on my TBR as well and I really hope someone buys it for the Book Club....

    I have read Atlas, the story of Pa Salt! It was lovely. Not a complete 5 star read, but we did get all the answers and I do quite like her son's writing style. Let me know when you get to it!

    Elza Reads

  3. It's probably just me, but I was a wee bit let down by Italian Hotel. It was probably just my mood.

  4. I loved The Italian Hotel. One of my favorites in 2023, so far. I hope you enjoy it.

  5. It is good to prioritise what we read. I keep thinking I'll do it then some book for review gets in the way! I have Homecoming sitting on my shelf - I think I'll read it as a slow and steady read, I just have to get into that groove again.

  6. I will have to check out The Grace of Wild Things! Thanks for the heads up. 📗

  7. I'd like to read The Grace of Wild Things, and perhaps Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop. Oh, and definitely The Inheritance!

  8. I just got a copy of A TRAITOR IN WHITEHALL from the publisher. I'm really excited to read it. I don't think I've read anything else by the author. Morton is a favorite of mine as well, so I can't wait to read HOMECOMING. I hope we both love it!

    Happy TTT (a week late)!
