Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday Fives - Five Non-Bookish Things I'm Loving Right Now

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. This is a not so much as I'm looking at five things I'm really enjoying right now that aren't book related.

1.  Blackberry Lemonade - I have been on a big lemon everything kick and have been really enjoying lemonade.  A little while ago I picked up Blackberry Lemonade at Publix and I am absolutely in love with it!  If you have a Publix near you and enjoy lemonade give the blackberry lemonade a try and if you don't I highly recommend that flavor combination!

2.  Calm App - I got a 3 month trial to the Calm App with my YouTube premium account and I'm absolutely loving it.  They have mediations, music, exercises, and my favorite sleep stories along with a few other categories.  I've had a much easier time getting to sleep since I've been using it and I absolutely love the sleep stories.  My favorite is The Rules of Cricket which I have listened to several times but still don't know the rules of cricket because I fall asleep so fast.

3.  Anti-Chef channel on YouTube - I discovered Jamie's channel earlier this year and have become absolutely obsessed.  He decided to teach himself to cook and filmed himself learning.  He's pretty capable now but things still go wrong periodically.  He's got a few projects going at the moment.  My favorites are where he is cooking through The Art of French Cooking and where he is cooking a dish from every country going in alphabetical order.

4.  Tree Hut Sugar Scrubs - I have long been a fan of these sugar scrubs and their summer scents this year have been my absolute favorite!  

5.  Documentaries about scams, cults, or conspiracies - I've long been an avid true crime watcher but recently I've fallen down a rabbit hole on documentaries involving the scammier side of true crime.  I've really enjoyed Bad Vegan and Trainwreck: Woodstock 99 (not so much a scam but definitely a disaster), and one about a Canadian crypto king.  I've got a bunch more on my to watch list and I cannot get enough.

What non-bookish things have you been enjoying lately?


  1. I love sleep stories. Have you heard of the podcast Nothing Much Happens? Her voice and stories are so soothing. I started listening about four years ago when I had terrible anxiety, and it really helped. I've never finished an episode! Zzzz...

  2. I'm a big fan of cherry limeade.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I love those Tree Hut sugar scrubs. They have some great scents but I am always drawn to the coconut one. :)

  4. The Calm app sounds wonderful. I should try it.

  5. I'll have to check out The Anti-Chef. I recently bought an ebook of The Art of French Cooking. 🍰

    I will have to look at that sugar scrub. The company where I purchased my favorite sugar scrub, The a Narwhal and Manatee, went out of business about a year ago. I ordered 12 of my favorite scent, and I'm down to three jars. 😔

    I want to watch the Woostock '99 documentary. I couple of my friends went. They were relieved they didn't camp onsite. 😜
