Sunday, July 16, 2023

Reading Update - July 16

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Snow Place for Murder by Diane Kelly - I have read the previous books in this series and really enjoyed it. (Publisher)

The Proof of the Pudding by Rhys Bowen - I've really been enjoying this series and am looking forward to this latest book.  (Publisher)

Mrs. Jeffries Aims to Win by Emily Brightwell - Another series I really enjoy! (Publisher)

Cursed at Dawn by Heather Graham - I really liked the first book in this trilogy about an international investigation and am looking forward to reading the third book to see how it all ends. (Publisher)

A Troubling Tail by Laurie Cass - I've seen such great things about this series so I decided to go on and jump in with this one.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Vanish with the Rose by Barbara Michaels and A Fatal Groove by Olivia Blacke

Listening:  'Twas the Knife Before Christmas by Jacqueline Frost

Another fairly quiet week.  It is still taking some getting used to to not have medical appointments most days.  Will is doing so well being done with chemo.  His energy and appetite have increased so much.  When it's not raining we've been getting a lot of pool time and all the swimming has really helped him get some exercise and build up his strength.  I'm going to start getting him to go on dog walks with me and maybe hiking to get him ready for all the walking Disney World will entail in a couple of months.  I'm so ready to go somewhere fun!

This is our last week of school.  With all the craziness of this past school year we are definitely down to the wire but will get it done with enough days for him to have a two week summer.  I am excited to have a more normal school year starting in August and am having a good time with planning curriculum.  

I have next week off from dog classes I teach and have been enjoying really focusing on my own dog.  We've been doing a lot of work on our own on the agility field.  I'm calling it "Let's Not Be an Idiot" training but it's really just working on his focus and getting a stronger recall.  Slow progress but we are getting there.

Have a great week!


  1. So happy to hear Will is doing well. I picked up Snow Place For Murder. I enjoyed the previous books too. Hope you have a great week!

  2. It's great Will is better and you can focus on some fun things. Swimming is a great option. My daughter does the Lulu training. I do the flossing and brushing. She finds it awkward but enjoys the toothpaste.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  3. So glad to hear that Will is doing well! Sounds like you have a fun trip upcoming as well.

    I love the look of Snow Place for Murder.

  4. Lots of good books coming in! Your school year has been tough to fit in but you've done it. Nice that Will is so much fitter and stronger. Made me smile over Rover and his training. You are so fortunate to have each other.

  5. I am so happy to hear that Will is feeling better. It has been a while since I last went to Disney but I remember how much walking it was. Good idea to get ready for that! I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  6. Great to hear that Will is doing so well and regaining his strength. And how fun to have the Disney trip to look forward to!

  7. I'm so glad Will is doing so well and enjoying the summer! I love the cover of the Barbara Michaels book. Very atmospheric. ♥

  8. I'm glad you and Will are getting used to the new routines, and I'm glad it is going smoothly.

    Oh, just looking at that snowy cover helps me cool off.

  9. Yay for your Disney trip. I hope we see lots of photos! 🏰

    Enjoy your bit of down time. 🤗

    I hope you had a great week! ☀
