Monday, May 15, 2023

Dressed to Drills - Cozy Mysteries

Goodreads:  Dressed to Drill (Fixer-Upper Mysteries #10) by Kate Carlisle

Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description: While Shannon Hammer is thrilled to attend the premiere of the movie based on her boyfriend Mac’s latest book, she can’t wait to trade her killer heels for work boots and start her next renovation project in Lighthouse Cove: a quaint Victorian church that has seen better days. And will see them again—as a museum—if Shannon, her talented crew, and her sister Chloe have anything to say about it.

But on the first day of demolition, work comes to a screeching halt when they stumble on the body of a beautiful young woman in one of the chapels. Who killed the assistant art director? Suspects crawl out of the woodwork as fast as Shannon can restore it. The church is hiding a century of secrets from the days that smugglers wreaked havoc on the California coast. But it’s a more recent secret that someone killed to protect. Shannon and Mac will use every tool in their toolbox to nail down the truth before any more lives are sacrificed.

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I have enjoyed all the books I've read in this series so of course I had to see what trouble Shannon and her crew get into this time.  

My Impression:  This was a fast and entertaining read involving church politics, renovation, and secrets.  Oh and a dead body or more of course!  When the book starts we are in Mac and Choloe's world at a premier of a film adaptation of one of his books.  Since we are normally in Shannon's world it was kind of fun to see what happens outside of Lighthouse Cove.  

As soon as Mac and Shannon return to Lighthouse Cove Shannon is pulled into the next renovation project - this time turning a church into an a museum.  While trying to get the project going and get the bits and pieces left behind by the previous tenants out of the building Shannon and her crew stumble over a dead body.  The young woman was well liked and had no enemies so just who could have wanted her dead.  

I really enjoyed the mystery and watching Shannon try and figure out just what is going on.  Her relationship with Mac is sweet and I enjoyed the new developments.  Shannon does suffer a bit from being a bit too perfect but I liked her and the side characters enough that it didn't detract to much from the book.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  I've really enjoyed everything I've read by this author.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you enjoy cozy mysteries this is a fun series to try!

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. I know I would love this series. I really have to start at the beginning though.

  2. I love the sound of this one! Renovating an old church and finding a body? Great premise for a cozy mystery. :D

  3. This sounds like such a fun series! I have a feeling that I would enjoy it!

  4. This sounds fun! I've seen this author's name pop up quite a bit. I should her books.

  5. Ha suffers from being a bit too perfect. Oh well, most of us don't have that problem! I only ever read the first in this series - maybe one day!
