Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday - Books That Will Always Be in My Personal Library

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is about Books I've Read That I'd Like in My Personal Library.  But after doing some thinking and looking over my collection I decided to change it just a little to Books I Will Always Keep in My Personal Library.

1.  Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie - I will always have this one and all the rest of Agatha Christie's mysteries though they do take up considerable shelf space!

2.  The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher - I can't not own this one I've read it so many times.  And I'll always have all the rest of Pilcher's books even though not all of them grab me as much.

3.  Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - Pretty much the same as above.  I will have this one but I'll also have all the rest of Montgomery's books.

4.  Gone Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright - And same as above.  Enright's children's books are my ultimate comfort reading.

5.  Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson - I have this in audio and it is one of my favorite audios.  It's funny and real and always a good listen.

6.  Miss Silver Comes to Stay by Patricia Wentworth - I don't have all of Wentworth's books yet but I'm working on it.  And Miss Silver is my absolute favorite.

7.  Vanish with the Rose by Barbara Michaels - I love this one and most of Michaels' other books and I'll always have them in my library!

8.  Three Fates by Nora Roberts - I have a few Roberts books but my mood comes and goes on them.  However, this one is always one I enjoy.

9.  The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom - This is very different from the rest of the books in my list and it's not one I'll reread very often but I do always want to have it on hand.

10. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas - And one of my very favorite historical romances to round up the list.  Sometimes this is just required reading after a particularly rough day!

What books are musts for your library?


  1. Going way back with the Shell Seekers, but it's definitely a good read. Three Fates is also a great read! Hugs, RO

  2. You have some really good one there!

  3. I've been wanting to try Lisa Kleypas, I will have to grab a copy of Devil in Winter.

  4. Mysteries are like evergreens- always good to have around. And even though I haven't read much Christie they are definitely classics. I think having a bunch of her books on the shelf would be really cool. Same with Anne of green gables- just a classic.

  5. I've only read ANNE OF GREEN GABLES from this list. I'm not sure if I've even read the sequels. If I did, it was a long time ago and I surely need to re-read/read the entire series. I'll have to look into some of these others as well.

    Happy TTT!

  6. My daughter picked out two of the Anne books at our local, used bookstore. I told her at the cash registar that I already had the whole collection!

  7. What a lovely list of books - I'm with you regarding Christie. And I also loved Anne of Green Gables. I will take note of what you say about Three Fates - many of Roberts' books I can leave or take, but at her best she is exceptional and this is one I haven't read. Thank you for sharing, Katherine:)

  8. I've just finished a reread of The Shell Seekers via audiobook and it was really very good. I intend doing the same with her Winter Solstice and Coming Home at some point.

  9. There's no way I could pick just ten to keep for my personal library! I'd struggle with 100! Speaking of which I have plans to do my favourite ever book list which could be long!!!

  10. There are definitely books I would never let go of (if I can help it) that are in my personal library. All time favorites and books I have a personal connection because of who gave it to me.

  11. Anne of Green Gables! I don't have physicals of these books because when I read the first three with my sister we borrowed them from the library. I have the first four on my Kindle, but I would love a complete special editions set of some kind. 📚✨
