Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Ten Summery Covers I Love

This week's topic over at Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl is about cover re-dos.  I love this topic but am terrible at keeping track of old covers and new covers and which ones I originally loved but hated the re-dos.  So for today I'm sticking with Summery Covers that I've enjoyed this summer.

1.  The Lost Vintage by Ann Mah - I just finished this one and loved the cover.  Something about the cover just says summer to me.

2.  A Beach Wish by Shelley Noble - Noble always has the best covers and this one is no different.

3.  The Sisters Hemingway by  Annie England Noblin - I love this going off in the sunshine look to this cover.  If this was a slightly more functional family I'd think they were going off for a picnic.

4.  The Goodbye Cafe by Mariah Stewart - It looks like it's hot in this photo but what a nice way to spend a hot day!

5.  The Islanders by Meg Mitchell Moore - Another hot looking day but this looks a little more angsty.

6.  No More Time by Suzanne M. Trauth - This one is pretty obvious I think!  I really love the idea of picnics on the beach but in reality it's never quite lived up to the vision!

7.  Suddenly One Summer by Julie James - This is another better in my imagination than reality.  I love the idea of of walking along the edge of the water but in reality that blue dress would be soaked at least knee high.

8.  Under Currents by Nora Roberts - This is a little different than the cover I have on my copy of this book but I like this one a little better.

9.  The Summer of Sunshine and Margot by Susan Mallery - I kind of burned out on Mallery years ago but lately I've been reading and loving her kind of stand alone women's fiction-y kind of books and this looks gorgeous.

10.  The Beautiful Strangers by Camille Di Maio - I really want to read this author and this book is especially calling to me and this one is set in the Hotel del Coronado in Southern California which is on my list of places we are staying when we finally make it out west.

What are some of your favorite covers this summer?


  1. I love beachy, summery covers! Even if it's a genre I don't read. These all look like summer! I especially like No More Time and The Islanders.

  2. SO pretty - a beautiful cover really draws me in.

  3. Yeah, I guess I don't pay much attention to covers. I couldn't think of anything for today's topic, so I'm skipping TTT this week. I enjoyed looking at these pretty summery covers, though!

  4. I have The Lost Vintage on my Kindle and it's on the list for 2019 books to be read. It's a nice cover. Usually any of Kate Morton's covers are lovely.

  5. Love them all. I won an ARC of Under Currents so I don't have a pretty cover which is sad, but actually loved the story so that's okay.

  6. I love The Sisters Hemingway cover! 🌞

  7. I do like the cover to No More Time with the cheeky seagull!

  8. Once again I show my weirdness because I love beaches in the Fall and Winter Seasons because during the summer it's just too dang hot.(lol) But you've shown some great covers that are perfect for the season. Hugs, RO

  9. Oh, yes! These definitely evoke the summer feeling. Anything with beaches and/or sunshine.
