Saturday, August 24, 2019

5 Cookbooks I Want to Try

I'm getting back into cooking and cookbooks again and having such a good time!  While I have my tried and true recipes there are always cookbooks I want to try and here are 5 I'm hoping to get from the library soon.

1.  Art of Pie by Kate McDermott - This cookbook has been on my TBR for awhile and then I saw Deb over at Readerbuzz rave about it.  Plus, pie is always a good thing.

2.  What's for Dinner?: Delicious Recipes for a Busy Life by Curtis Stone - Tina at Novel Meals has mentioned a number of his recipes and they always look delicious and mostly healthy.

3. Casa Marcela: Recipes and Food Stories of My Life in the Californias by Marcella Valladolid - I love Marcella every time I've seen her on Food Network and I'd love to try some of her recipes.  She seems so genuinely enthusiastic and connected to food.

4.  Dinner Illustrated: 175 Meals Ready in an Hour or Less by America's Test Kitchen - It's been awhile since I've used America's Test Kitchen but their recipes are always pretty solid and I could use some new simple-ish dinners.

5.  Fast Cakes: Easy Bakes in Minutes by Mary Berry - While I was surprisingly pleased with the new hosts/judges on The Great British Bake-Off (I'm sure they're relieved) I miss Mary Berry and am feeling the need for some "scrummy" cakes!

I'm linking up with Weekend Cooking hosted by Beth Fish Reads


  1. Pie certainly is always a good thing! I need to start making crust from scratch again. I started using the pre-made store crusts when Baz was a baby and never looked back. Ha ha. I like the dependability of store bought because heaven knows no matter how careful you are with scratch crust every once in a awhile there is going to be a total dud. I have convinced myself that there isn't that much difference, but in reality I think there is. 😇

  2. I don't bake (almost ever) to save my sanity! I'm a "little bit of this and that" cook and that doesn't translate into baking, which has precise amounts to use :)

    My current fave cookbook authors are the Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten), a feel-good cook for me, and Mark Bittman. He has an incredibly wide variety of books; I have VB6- Vegan Before 6(pm). He lost 30 pounds following that philosophy, only eating meat or cheese at dinnertime.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I really need to find a basic, baby-step kind of baking book for myself.

  3. I need to cook more! When I do, I usually find recipes online instead of in books. The cookbooks I love most, though, are the kind often put together by a family, church, or community group. They're filled with real recipes that real people use to feed their real families. Nothing pretentious about them! I also love the Six Sisters' Stuff cookbooks since their recipes always turn out well for me.

    Enjoy your cookbook reading!

  4. Awesome! I look forward to any follow up posts if you get any of these books and start trying out recipes.

  5. I need to check out more cookbooks from my library. I did once but got lazy about using it.

  6. Aww....thanks for mentioning me on your blog. I love Curtis Stone and i have two of his cookbooks. You have me very interested in the Art of Pie. We all need more pie! I think I would choose pie over cake any day.
