Sunday, August 18, 2019

This Week in Reading - August 18

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Cookies and Clairvoyance by Bailey Cates - I don't know much about this series though I do think I might have read the first book years ago but I've really enjoyed other books by Bailey Cates and any book with the world Cookies in the title has to be good.  (Publisher)

Silent Night, Deadly Night by Vicki Delany - Another later book in the series but I've heard good things and I'm looking forward to getting a little early Christmas.  (Publisher)

A Night's Tail by Sofie Kelly - I read the last book in the series and enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to this one too.  (Publisher)

Word to the Wise by Jenn McKinlay  - I love this series and I'm so excited about this one!  Any book that takes place in a library is a win.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Funerals are Fatal by Agatha Christie and And Then They Were Doomed by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli

Listening: Rainy Day Sisters by Kate Hewitt

Watching:  Not much but it is time to start watching the season finales of my favorite shows before the series premieres start.  I dislike cliffhangers so much that when I see a season finale story arc start I stop watching until I'm within weeks of the series starting back up.

Off the Blog:

This week was a bit less complicated than last week.  I think we've narrowed down the assisted living places for my grandparents and my mother and I are going done this coming week to go over everything with them and get them medically evaluated.  We've also been moving forward on switching to home schooling for the Tornado.  I still have lots of conflicted feelings about it but the program we've found is a hybrid that I think could work really well.  He'll have a mix of classroom, online and traditional home school type classes.  It's essentially a flexible private school.  A friend has her daughter there and has loved it so I have high hopes though I must admit it's a bit scary.

I went to my first appointment with my spine doctor and got good news and a plan going forward that seems like it'll really help with the pain.  The big relief is that the damage in my neck is minimal which is a huge relief. 

Other than that I'm getting ready for a trip down to my grandparents at the end of the week to start getting going on the move.  I'm not sure how it's going to go but I think the end result will be really positive for everyone.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Rambling from the Stacks - Book Buying
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Favorite Tropes
Wednesday:  And Then They Were Doomed - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday:  Books from the Backlog 
Friday: Friday Fives
Saturday: TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I'm not a fan of midseason finale cliffhangers either! I think that's a good way to do it haha, I find myself more and more watching shows like that- waiting until I can see both finale and premiere together.

    Glad the planning for your grandparents is going well. Good luck with that and with the homeschooling switch!

  2. I can understand the appeal of home schooling. To be honest if I had kids, I'd be tempted to school them myself when you see all the stuff on TV about kids taking weapons to school and falling standards in the classroom.

  3. I'm glad there's a good plan to help with the pain. The cliffhanger thing sucks(lol) for sure. Hugs, RO

  4. I hope it will work out well for you with the home schooling. Though it does sound scary to me too. But I guess, everything we start new is a bit scary at first.

  5. I hope you are able to convince your grandparents of the benefits of the move.
    I’m glad to hear you have gotten help for your pain.
    I like the sound of all your cozies!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. I hope all goes well with the assisted living arrangements and with the home schooling plans.

    Cookies and Clairvoyance has an awesome cover! I hope it's a good one.

  7. Oh wow, you are dealing with a lot of things right now. I hope that homeschooling goes well for your family. I also hope that the move for your grandparents goes well. My husband's mother is having to move into a memory care facility next week and I know how stressful these things can be. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  8. Lots going on in your life right now. Hope all goes well with each pursuit - the grandparents move, homeschooling effort, your health issues. We homeschooled our daughter for 7th and 8th grade. It was interesting and though I was nervous about it, all went well. Hope the same happens for you guys. Have a good week!

  9. Glad you got good news about your neck.

  10. I'm glad you got good news from the doctor. All those cozies on your list look so good. I just finished reading A Night's Tail and loved it. Hope you have a great week!

  11. I liked Rainy Day Sisters. I want to read more from the series.

    Enjoy your week.

  12. It will be interesting to explore and get into that mix of home schooling. I think it could work really well and I hope you and the Tornado end up loving it. I think I read Rainy Days sisters many moons ago and enjoyed it. All the best for the spine treatment, that's good that there is hope.

  13. Happy to hear you have a handle on your neck issues. I hope your grandparents' transition to assisted living goes smoothly. My mother was supposed to go into assisted living, but she didn't quite pass her evaluation. We are hoping after a few weeks in rehab she will be okay because putting her straight into a nursing home will really set off her fireworks. Ha ha. 😏

    You should be okay with the home schooling. One of the moms from Sebastian's kids theater company had her son in a hybrid type situation and he decided to go back to public school for 10-12th grade and he was fine. 🙌🙌🙌

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  14. You have a lot happening and you seem to be doing well with it. Good luck with the homeschooling and neck treatments. Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  15. I hope it all goes well with your grandparents and your little Tornado and your neck pain relief.
