Sunday, August 11, 2019

This Week in Reading - August 11

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

The Last Seance: Tales of the Supernatural by Agatha Christie - I"m sure I've read all the short stories in this collection but I couldn't NOT request this.  Plus, there's always a chance I'll find one I've never read before. (Edelweiss)

Fatal Roots by Sheila Connolly - Connolly was one of the first cozy mystery authors I ever discovered and I really enjoy this one set in Ireland.  (NetGalley)

The Angel's Share by Ellen Crosby - I don't know much about this series but the blurb sounded interesting and I thought I'd give it a try.  (Publisher)

Owl Be Home for Christmas by Donna Andrews - I really enjoy this series and this may be the best pun-ish title ever.  (Publisher)

A Cup of Holiday Fear by Ellie Alexander - I really enjoy this series about a bakery in a theater town that always makes me want to eat delicious baked goods and try all kinds of different coffees. (Publisher)


Reading:  Funerals are Fatal by Agatha Christie and And Then They Were Doomed by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli

Listening:  The Secret Sister by Brenda Novak

Watching:  I'm almost embarrassed to admit but I've been binging Catfish on MTV.   All the commercials make it very clear that I'm far too old for MTV but I'm addicted to that show! 

Off the Blog:

It has been a crazy week.  We got back in town last Sunday after a wonderful vacation and I feel like I kind of jumped into the fire.  School started this week and it's going okay.  He's lobbying for home school/online schooling and I'm starting to consider it.  Like any major decision there are some serious pros and cons. 

But before I could really focus on that I hear the news that my grandparents who I visit fairly regularly and who live out in the country have decided that it is no longer for them to live so far out with no family close by.  This started a whole search into options where we finally landed on assisted living as they really wouldn't qualify for independent living based off some health issues.  So I've been learning state laws and researching facilities and scheduling appointments and then my mother and I have been visiting facilities.  We've found a place that is really lovely and I think would work well for them - it has two in house libraries that are maintained by resident volunteers and the local public library, restaurant quality food that is sourced as locally as possible and they can order of a fairly sizable menu, tons of outdoor space, private dining rooms we can reserve for family meals, and all kinds of other perks.   My grandfather is really struggling with this and my mother and I are going down in 2 weeks to go over everything with them.  If you've ever been in my shoes I would appreciate all the advice you have.  I can't imagine how difficult of a transition that this must be for them and I'm hoping to focus on the positives and the advantages of them being just 20 minutes away vs 6 hours.

I'm finished up with physical therapy after 2 months and in someways things are a lot better but now I've been referred to a spine doctor for the pain issues that just aren't getting any better.  I'm a bit nervous.  My appointment is this week and I'm hoping it goes well.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday: Terns of Endearment - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Book Characters I'd Love to Be Besties With
Wednesday: Singapore Sapphire - Historical Mystery Review
Thursday:  TBD
Friday:  Friday Fives
Saturday:  TBD

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Ooh looks spooky! I've been in the mood for mysteries and even a little supernatural lately- must be because fall is coming. :)

    Good luck with your appt! And that is a big transition for your grandparents- I wish you guys all the success in finding just the right place. It will definitely be nice having them closer, I'm sure.

    Have a great week!

  2. All the best with the spine doctor and I hope solutions can be found. So difficult a time with your grandparents and not easy on any of you, but wouldn't it be great to have them so much closer. We were lucky with both my parents being able to stay in their own home until it was their time, but it doesn't always work like that.

  3. Wow you've had a lot on your plate recently! It is a big move but bein closer to family is certainly a big plus. If I had kids I think I would consider home schooling too. All I see on TV is violence at schools, poor standards, long bus journeys home in bad weather...ugh!

  4. With all that you have to do, I hate that you're suffering with any type of pain, and hope you can get healed soon. It sounds like such a wonderful plan to have your grandparents closer to you, and imagine they may feel a little apprehensive. I think once they see the place, and think about how close they'll be to you, they'll feel more comfortable. I like procedural dramas and have been binging on The Good Fight, which is pretty amazing. Sending lots of healing hugs your way. RO

  5. That Christie book looks cool! The others sound interesting too! Glad you enjoyed your vacation. Hope you can get things figured out with your grandparents I am sure that has to be a hard change for them. Sounds like you found them an amazing place so hope your grandfather will go for it! :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  6. It is great that they are feeling like being closer is better and I know it is so hard to come to that choice. It took my family a long time to have my grandmother put in a nursing home but it was for the best. Assistant living is a great place that they can still be independent but have the help they need. I think it is a wonderful idea and your grandfather will see the benefit especially being so close to you all. They can also come and go if they want so they aren't stuck there every day all day. Good Luck with finding the best place but it sounds like you might have already.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! xx

  7. I like Sheila Connolly's cozy mysteries...Fatal Roots looks good. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  8. I like the marketing of that Agatha Christie book so that a new generation might discover her. You got some other good books, too, so I will have to take a look at them.

    I hope your appointment with the spine doctor goes well and that you the doctor can help. And it's so hard for people to give up their independence. Assisted living places can be wonderful for older people who need some help, but can still have some independence. I hope it works out well for them. And good luck with deciding about home schooling. You've got lots going on right now so I hope you can get to some good books.

  9. Oh my goodness! It sounds like you are having to consider a whole slew of issues that by themselves would be sufficient to stop you in your tracks - the benefits or otherwise of home/online schooling... trying to get to the bottom of chronic pain after an injury... your grandparents decision they can no longer cope living unaided... My heart goes out to you and I hope this week you get some space and peace to be able to consider these carefully, Katherine.

  10. Catfish is addicting, isn't it? I haven't seen it in a long while, but a couple of years ago, I seemed to always have it on when I was watching television.

    I hope your visit with the spine specialist goes well and you get some answers that will bring you some relief. I wish you the best with your grandparents. I remember the struggle my mom and her brothers had finding a place for my grandmother when she could no longer live on her own. Her situation was a bit different though as she suffered from dementia. My dad's mom is living in an assisted living facility in Pennsylvania. She refused to leave her hometown and most of her kids and grandkids are no longer in the area. She'll be 102 this month and is doing very well, so we are grateful for that. I wish you the best. I think your strongest argument will be having them closer to you. It's so hard to let go of our independence and acknowledging we can't do much of what we used to on our own. My heart goes to your grandparents and and you and your mom. I know it isn't easy.

    I wish you the best with deciding whether you want to go the home school/online schooling route. It definitely would be a huge change and one to consider carefully. A couple of Mouse's dance buddies are home schooled. There is a lot of support out there for homeschooling parents nowadays that wasn't there years ago, which is nice.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine. Take care of yourself and try and fit some time in for self-care when you can. You have a lot on your plate right now.

    Enjoy your new books!

  11. I hope your back/spine problems ease up! I have an A-B-C bucketful of degenerative spinal issues that affect my nervous system-- so I'm hoping that you don't go down that painful road at your age (I was about 49 when I was diagnosed).

    I home-schooled my(neurologically-disabled) son off and on for most of his elementary and high school career. He took the GED, went to college, went to law school, and is now an attorney. My younger daughter tried it for one year-- wasn't for her, plus she tried online schooling for another year--also not for her (she wasn't a motivated learner, my son was). That makes all the difference, if you and your son will look into things that are educational but fun, I "unschooled" him, look that up if you are interested, many books about it-- we did library trips, children's magazines, word puzzles, math puzzles, science lab time, children's theater, language tutor, art lessons, field trips, camping, boy scouts, etc. We tried all of these with and without a homeschooling group.

    Good luck with your grandparents' housing also. I was never in that same boat so can't offer any advice except good wishes.

  12. My grandparents weren’t too keen on assisted living to begin with either, but they both came to like it. They felt they had the best of both worlds, independence yet easy access to services and activities.

    Have a great reading week

  13. I hope your appointment goes well. Tons of good vibes headed your way. I like Catfish! I have an addiction to reality tv shows simply because I don't have to concentrate after a long day.

    We've been trying to convince my husband's grandmother to come live closer to us, she lives four hours away and although his uncles live near by she's typically by herself. Being 20 minutes near by, she'd be with his aunt and my mother in law. She's been going back and forth with the decision to move but we're hoping to convince her soon. I do hope your grandparents decide on the center that you picked, it sounds like a really nice place and I hope they are keen on the idea.

    I hope this week is easier for you.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  14. I didn't even know MTV was still around! When I was a teenager, the cool thing to do was to sit around and watch MTV music videos :) I'm not that cool anymore!

    Good luck with your grandparents. I haven't experienced that, although it will be happening with my parents soon enough. It's tough.

  15. We were able to get home care for my father so I'm not much help. I hope you find the best place for them. That Christie book looks fun!

  16. I'll be thinking of you with your appointment and getting the PT.
    That's a big change for your grandparents but I completely understand about being closer to family in the later years of our life. Funny as we are just back from Tampa visiting family and have thought about the same thing. Not that we are as old as your grandparents know what I mean. We are rural and have no family around around.

    I've never even heard of Catfish! See, that's another thing about moving to civilization - I can see some broadcast TV :-)

  17. That is a lot to look into. What a big decision for your grandparents. I hope everything goes smoothly for you all.
