Saturday, January 13, 2024

This Week in Reading - January 14

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Murder on Devil's Pond by Ayla Rose - This is the first in a new cozy series involving a Victorian house turned into a B&B and I can't resist either of those things.  (Publisher)

House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen - I've been in a thriller kind of mood and this one looks interesting.  (Publisher)


ReadingDeadly to the Core by Joyce Tremel and The Couple in the Photo by Helen Cooper

Listening: Trace by Archer Mayor

This year started out a bit rough.  On January 2nd my grandmother passed away.  She had been gone for a number of years but the finality of it has been tough.  She and my grandfather were really such strong forces in my life and were always my safe place to land.  I miss them both dearly.

Even though we had a very small funeral somehow multiple people ended up getting covid including my husband.  We quarantined him and it was a mild case that he thankfully kept to himself.  That said I seem to have come down with some other bug.  I've tested multiple times and am coming up negative for the 'vid but it's definitely something that I am not enjoying.  

I have used the downtime to do some self-reflecting.  I've realized that the last few years have taken their toll on my system.  While getting involved in dog training has been fantastic for my mental health I think it's time to put some effort into physical healing.  I'm going to spend this year getting back into some healthy habits with rest, exercise, and some healthier eating.   I'm also working on some ideas to get some fun back in our lives.  I went back and forth on my "Word of the Year" but I think my world for 2024 will be "Heal".  

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and happy reading!


  1. I'm so sorry about your Grandmother. I hope you take care of yourself this week.

  2. Victorian houses make for good mysteries.

    I'm so sorry to hear that! How awful. But I like your word for the year. Heal is a good one and I wish you a successful and happy 2024.

  3. Good luck with the healing in 2024; it's so easy to let that slip out of view. And condolences for the loss.

  4. Katherine, I'm so sorry about the loss of your grandmother. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Also sorry about the illness. I like your word 'heal' - sounds really good for you. You guys have had a tough time in the last few years. And I will totally encourage you with your focus on 'fun' and also healthy pursuits. Good luck to you!

  5. So very sorry to hear about your rotten start to 2024 and the loss of your grandmother. And your husband's covid illness. I think your instinct to concentrate on Heal is a sound one and I hope the year rapidly improves for you.x

  6. I am sorry about your loss, and so many getting Covid seems so unfortunate. Stay safe and enjoy those books. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  7. Sorry about your grandmother, and good luck with healing! I'm also trying to get better about exercising every day and not binge eating. It's hard!

  8. Great word for the year. I hope everyone is better soon! Covid is out there and surging but no one wants to talk about it. The epidemiologists I follow say it doesn't test positive with the newer strains until 3-5 days into the symptoms. It also is now a year round disease not just in the winter. I guess there tend to be peaks after holiday get-togethers though. I have faith you will find a good plan for this year for yourself. I am so very sorry about your grandmother.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  9. Oh, Katherine, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. {{{hugs}}} And I'm sorry people got Covid at the funeral. I hope everyone recovers well, and that whatever you're fighting, you feel better soon.

    "Heal" is a wonderful word for the year. I wish you a year of healing: physically, emotionally, in whatever ways are most needed.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother! Hope your husband is better from covid and hope you are feeling better soon, too. I think your choice of "heal" for 2024 is a good one. Take care.

  11. I'm so sorry about your grandmother! But I bet her reunion with your grandfather was a happy one for the both. And I love your choice of words for 2024. I hope it ends up being a very healing kind of year for you.

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I hope you and your family can find comfort and peace during this hard time.

    I love your word choice for 2024. I hope that it really is a healing year for you after all you've had to deal with.

  13. I'm to hear your grandmother passed away. I hope you husband and you are both feeling better asap. Heal is a great word, I hope this year is very healing for you!

  14. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope that you and your husband are feeling better soon. What a rough start to the new year. I'm also looking to improve my healthy habits (or find them in the first place). I'm struggling to get started though!

    Murder on Devil's Pond sounds good. I always love a first in a new series cozy. I picked up House of Glass too.

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your husband are feeling better. Take care of yourselves.

    I'm reading Deadly to the Core now and really liking it. Have a great week!

  16. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope you are feeling better soon. Heal is a good word.


  17. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing. I hope you and your husband are feeling better. After all your family has been through these last few years, "heal" is a good word to choose, I think. Take care.

  18. I'm so sorry, Katherine. HUGS. ❤💔❤

    I caught something a couple of weeks ago that, while it was not anywhere near as bad as my initial Covid sickness, was much worse than any of the other Covid bouts I have had. I don't even test anymore because it really doesn't matter what it is because I don't leave the house anyway. 😐

    Heal is a wonderful word for 2024. You have certainly been though a lot since Will's diagnosis. ❤
