Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books on My TBR With Dogs on the Cover

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Books with (your choice) on the cover.  Since I've been working quite a bit with my dog and really enjoying it I'm picking 10 books on my TBR with dogs on the cover.

1.  A Hex For Danger by Esme Addison

2.  Murder Can Mess Up Your Masterpiece by Rose Pressey

3.  The Pug Who Bit Napoleon: Animal Tales of the 18th and 19th Centuries by Mimi Matthews

4.  Daisies for Innocence by Bailey Cattrell 

5.  The Shepherd's Life: A People's History of the Lake District by James Rebanks

6.  Scone Cold Killer by Lena Gregory

7.  The Family You Make by Jill Shalvis

8.  Life and Other Inconveniences by Kristan Higgins

9.  A Crafter Knits a Clue by Holly Quinn

10. The Scent of Murder by Kylie Logan

Do you have any books on your TBR with dogs on the cover?


  1. these are fun. Scone Cold made me smile :)

  2. I like the covers but I worry about dogs dying in books so, gotta read reviews first!

  3. I've read the Jill Shalvis and Kristan Higgins books. They were great!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I love dogs on covers!! These are all so cute.

  5. I love the cover of Life and Other Inconveniences. Dogs look so awkward when they swim. :)

  6. Well done finding so many books with dogs on the cover. I really like a dog in a story, adds to it somehow. I have only read Life and Other Inconveniences. A little hazy on it though right now.

  7. Oh I love these and can probably add a dozen more! The Pug that bit Napoleon seems like a fun read and I've never seen it before!

  8. The Pug Who Bit Napoleon: Animal Tales of the 18th and 19th Centuries sounds intriguing! I'm going to add it to Goodreads. 😊

    I'm just finishing up a book with dogs on the cover. Elatsoe. 🐕

  9. I do love dogs and these are great covers, Katherine!
