Tuesday, February 22, 2022

My Virtual Travel TBR

It will be awhile before we are traveling to any fun destinations and as someone who used to travel all the time I'm starting to get a bit restless.  Since I won't be booking actual plane tickets anytime soon (actually I prefer road trips - don't have to deal with a rental and no luggage restrictions.  I do NOT pack light) I'm planning some virtual trips.  Here are a few of my upcoming destinations.

Northern Ireland

An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor
- While I've been to Ireland several times through books I've never been to Northern Ireland and this looks like an interesting trip.


Crocodile on the Sandbank by Elizabeth Peters
- This trip requires a little bit of time travel but it will be worth it to have Amelia Peabody show me around her latest project.


Thin Ice by Paige Shelton
- Books are pretty much the only way I want to deal with snow so it's fun to visit Alaska in bookish form.  The murder part would put a bit of a damper on the vacation thing though.

New Orleans, Louisiana

The Unforgiven by Heather Graham
- I'll take a pass on the whole ghostly murder stuff but I desperately miss New Orleans and Graham does a good job of showcasing the atmosphere.

The Lake District in England

Now and Then Friends by Kate Hewitt
-  This looks like a beautiful place to visit and this book looks just as fantastic.  

Key West, Florida

Death in Four Courses by Lucy Burdette
- It's been years since I've been to Key West and I'd love to go back.  This trip involves food which is good and murder which is bad but you win some you lose some.

Charleston, South Carolina

Lowcountry Boil by Susan M. Boyer
- I love Charleston and this trip will include Charleston and some of the coastal islands.  


The Shadow of Death by Jane Willan
- A trip to a Welsh Abbey sounds quite lovely especially to one that makes award winning cheese.


The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan
- I've gone to Scotland with Jenny Colgan before and it's always a trip I enjoy.


The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict
- I don't think this will be an upbeat trip but Austria with Hedy Lamar sounds to good to miss.  

Where are your books taking you in the next few months?


  1. I'll start packing my bags and join you on this world wide tour. All of these places I still want to visit too!! I've been nagging my husband to plan a trip to Egypt. I've been there about 25 years ago, but really want to do it again! Crocodile on the Sandbank is actually on my TBR and I need to start reading it...

  2. Northern Ireland for sure! Florida... and love the cover of the Bookshop.

    Thin Ice just looks fabulous.

  3. I love Elizabeth Peters and Paige Shelton and Heather Graham.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. I agree, I'll be travelling mostly via books as well. You have a great list of places to travel to!

  5. I do love virtual trips and you have a great list!

  6. I love New Orleans too. I feel you on the not traveling and being restless, but you are right a good book can take you anywhere.

  7. Love your choice of places to visit. A good virtual trip is good while waiting to travel actuality can happen. Reminds me I have Low Country Boil in my Audible Library!

  8. Fun! I visited Scotland and Wales for the first time last year and I can't wait to go back. There are so many places there I still want to see. Happy armchair travels!

  9. I read that Kate Hewitt book and likd it. She has some good books that are calm when you need that sort of fix. The Irish Country Doctor is good too.

  10. I love traveling through books! I haven't read any of these but do hope to read Elizabeth Peters at some point.

  11. I would love to travel to Ireland. 🤗
