Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday Five - Five Right Now Non-Bookish Favorites

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  This week is a non-bookish one!  I'm looking at my five right now favorites.  These are things I'm really enjoying at the moment.

1.  Finch App - I got this app after seeing an ad on Instagram and am really enjoying it. It's free and there are no in-app purchases which I really like.  You get a cute little bird friend to check in with and the breathing exercises and stretches are actually decent.  I'm not big on journaling so I'm not using it to its fullest but I'm still really enjoying it.  I think its only on Apple products but if you have an iPhone I recommend it.

2.  Night Walks - I've been doing a LOT of dog walking lately and I've really been enjoying walks at night.  We've had some clear nights and I've been able to see lots of stars and it is just so peaceful.

3.  Cadbury Eggs - This is a bit controversial but I ADORE Cadbury Eggs.  The caramel ones are actually my favorite but I'm good with the cream ones too.  They've just started showing up in the stores again and I am so excited about it.

4.  My Agatha Christie 3-D Printed Bust - I found the shop 3DPrintedDebris that has a ton of 3D printed busts of authors and other historical figures.  I got the basic bust and it was very inexpensive and arrived quickly.  There are all kinds of options and the prices range from $14 to around $125 (I got the $14 option).  It's such a fun addition to my Agatha Christie shelf and makes me smile every time I see it.  

5.  Safiya Nygaard and Safiya and Tyler on YouTube - I've loved Safiya Nygaard's YouTube channel for years and have really been enjoying the streaming channel she and her husband have where the livestream something every week.  They do all kinds of fun projects like trying different Tik Tok hacks or viral crafts.  On her main channel she's done stuff from trying crazy fashion products to testing social media ad algorithms and a couple of videos ago worked a metal worker and melted and then recast silver jewelry.  They're fun and entertaining but both she and her husband just seem like nice and intelligent people.

What are some things you're enjoying right now?


  1. I love this post! It makes you appreciate all the silly little things that make us happy. And about Cadbury eggs- too sweet for me but I love anything chocolate and sometimes caramel, like Milky Way bars. (and is your dog asleep in his food bowl, lol!)

  2. That Agatha Christie bust is very cool! Trying to think of my shelves with loads of the same author so I may want one as well.
    Night walks are great. Good exercise as well.

  3. I love Cadbury eggs, too. Yum! I don't know that I've ever tried the caramel ones. I'll have to look for those this year.

  4. I haven't had a Cadbury Egg in a while, but I used to love them. That Agatha Christie bust is beautiful.

  5. I would like us to get back to doing our family walks in the evening. Perhaps now that the weather is warming up we can manage it. It's hard sometimes to fit them in--but we never regret it when we do. I like Cadbury Eggs too. :-) My favorite are the chocolate cream filled ones, but I have a hard time finding them. I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. I must look up the Finch App. Sounds very user friendly. Ha you can eat all the Cadbury eggs, not a fan of Cadbury taste. I am more Lindt, but of course I guess the shops are looking ahead to Easter. Whenever that is! Night walks sound great and some much needed quiet space time.

  7. I'm fond of the caramel Cadbury eggs, too! And your Agatha Christie bust is great!

  8. I love that bust! I will have to check out that site. What a great addition to your shelves!

  9. I can't remember when I last had a Cadbury eggs. I used to love them. That Agatha Christie bust is wonderful!

  10. I love the photo of Rover asleep with his head in his dish. 😄

    Oh, wow... maybe I will get a bust of Frank Herbert if they have one. 😯

    I will check out that YouTube channel. 😊
