Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Ten Books with Dogs on My TBR

I read a lot of cozy mysteries and animals are frequently a big part of a good cozy mystery series.  Most of the time the animal in question is a cat which makes a lot of sense for multiple reasons.  While I like cats I'm at heart a dog person and I always enjoy a book just a touch more when a dog is involved - as long as the dog (or really any animal in any book, show, or movie) is not in peril.  Here are 10 books on my TBR that involve dogs that are on my TBR.

1.  All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot - I read this book close to 30 years ago and I remember liking it and I remember him helping birth a calf and that about sums it up.  My dad really enjoyed the show and has started reading the books and has been talking about them and now I really want to read the whole series.

2.  Death in Bloodhound Red by Virginia Lanier - This involves a bloodhound trainer which sounds fascinating - especially since I'm going to be taking a scentwork class at some point with my not so much bloodhound golden retriever (above).

3.  Murder Can Mess Up Your Masterpiece by Rose Pressey - This is a cozy involving a dog and I think antiques so that sounds extra fun.

4. A Hex for Danger by Esme Addison - Another cozy mystery though this one is heavy on the paranormal.

5.  Peach Clobbered by Anna Gerard - Not only do I love the title but I love that this series involves a Border Collie.

6.  Killing Trail by Margaret Mizushima - I really love books involving dog training and this mystery series involving K-9s sounds interesting.

7.  Playing for Keeps by Jill Shalvis - While I haven't been reading much romance lately Shalvis writes the best animal side kicks and dogs in particular.

8.  Muzzled by Eileen Brady - This mystery series involving a veterinarian involves a whole host of animals and lots of dogs.

9.  About a Dog by Jenn McKinlay - I love McKinlay's cozy mysteries and really enjoyed the one fiction title of hers I read.  And this one has a dog.

10. The Scent of Murder by Kylie Logan - Another K-9 mystery!  And one that has been on my TBR since before it came out.

Do you like books with dogs?  Do you have any books with dogs in them on your TBR?  


  1. I love the Margaret Mizushima books - I've read them all.!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. I love books with dogs as well. I have three doggie companions laying around me right now. I have read Playing for Keeps and I agree that Jill Shalvis is great at including dogs in her books.

  3. Love a good book featuring a dog! :)

  4. I love books that feature dogs! I really have enjoyed what I have read of Alex Kava's Ryder Creed series. He often works with the police and uses different dogs for different things.

  5. Oh I have loved the James Herriott stories for ages! That's where ur son Tristan got his name :-)

  6. Great list. James Herriott is one of my favorites.

  7. I love a dog in a novel too, my favourite kind of ones are the ones where they are support dogs of some kind. And I agree Jill Shalvis really does dogs well in her books.

  8. I read All Creatures Great and Small as a teenager when it first came out. I should read it again. 📚

  9. Definitely bump Scent of Murder up your TBR list. It's not as funny as some of Kylie's books can be, but it was so good.
