Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday Five - Five Series I'm Going to Roll Into My Series Project Next

I'm taking a bit of a break from my usual Friday Linkups to try something a little different.  I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much. These are all series I've read a book or two (or more in) and would really like to read more from - once I finish the other 10 I've got going!

Jaya Jones Treasure Hunt Mysteries by Gigi Pandian - I listened to the first book in this series and it was such fun!  I really want to read more from this as I love the archeology/treasure hunting aspects.

Magical Bakery Mystery by Bailey Cates - I've read the very first book and the most recent couple of books and want to read the ones in the middle.  

Secret, Book, & Scone Society by Ellery Adams - I had picked up the first book in this series on the Audible sale and it ended up being one of my favorite books in January.  I'm really looking forward to reading/listening to more of it.

Abby McCree Mystery by Alexis Morgan - I've read or listened to the first two books in this series and enjoy it - especially the fact that it's a dog cozy series!  There are only a few books left and I'm looking forward to finishing it up.

Mrs. Jeffries Mysteries by Emily Brightwell - I have read the most recent few and really loved them and then I listened to the first book and was surprised by how different it was.  I'm looking forward to reading the ones in between to see how the series evolves.

Are you  a series reader?  If so, what series do you want to finish?


  1. I like the Mrs. Jeffries series myself.

  2. I am definitely a series reader! I still haven;t finiihsed my Vera series and I only have two books left. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Secret, Book, & Scone Society sounds really good. What a great project to finish up some series.

  4. Of course all of these wonderful cozies are on my TBR.

  5. I haven't tried any of these, although I've been wondering about a couple of them. I did just start listening to the first book in Cleo Coyle's Coffeehouse Mysteries series. It's lots of fun so far.

  6. I am listening to a Secret Scone audio at the moment and enjoying it. I put a Mrs Jeffries book into my wish list at the Book Depository as a possible to try out.

  7. You do really well with these series challenges! 📚
