Thursday, March 3, 2022

Books from the Backlog - Daisies for Innocence

Today I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog.  I really enjoy the chance to feature a book that's been hiding in the piles of books for far too long!

Goodreads:  Daisies for Innocence by Bailey Cattrell

Blurb:  The Enchanted Garden behind Elliana Allbright’s perfume shop draws people of all ages with its fragrant flowers and lush greenery. But when the magical serenity is interrupted, it’s up to Ellie to sniff out a killer.
Ellie’s life has blossomed in Poppyville, California, since she opened Scents & Nonsense, a custom-made-perfume store. Her skills with aromas and botanical essences—some from her very own garden—seem almost…supernatural. Her perfumes can evoke emotions, bring about change, or simply make people happy. Customers are flocking to the store to buy her wares or just to sit in her beautiful garden, sip tea and enjoy homemade cookies.

But she smells trouble when she learns that her part-time assistant Josie is dating her ex. And before she can tell the young woman to beware of his charms, she finds Josie dead in the Enchanted Garden. Now the prime suspect in Josie’s murder, Ellie must search for the real culprit in Josie’s past—because it’ll take a miracle to nip this problem in the bud....

Why It Needs to Come Off the Shelf:  I've read a couple of books by this author in another series and really enjoyed them and I read one book in this series forever ago and really enjoyed it as well.  Then of course I bought all the books in the rest of the series and they've been sitting on my shelf ever since.


  1. Sounds like a good one. This is another series on my wishlist that I haven't started yet.

  2. I have so many series that I bought but then failed to actually read. I hope that you enjoy this one!

  3. I love the cover. 🌼🌼🌼

  4. You sound like me buying all the books in the rest of a series. This one does sound good and very suspicious!
