Saturday, March 26, 2022

Henrietta Who? - Classic Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Henrietta Who? (Inspector Sloan #2) by Catherine Aird

Rating: Really Liked It!
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Larking was a typical English village and like the thousand other villages it resembled Larking had its secrets, as Inspector C.D. Sloan was to discover after the postman found the murdered body of Grace Jenkins in the road that led to her thatched cottage. But the real mystery involved Grace's daughter Henrietta since no one could really explain exactly who Henrietta really was.

Genre:  Mystery - Classic

Why I Picked This Book:   I am trying to read more classic mysteries - especially Catherine Aird.

My Impression:  I thoroughly enjoyed this read.  This is a mystery that wouldn't work today.  90% of the questions that arise regarding Henrietta's identity could have probably been figured out with a few internet searches.  But since that doesn't exist at this point we get to watch the whole cast of characters piece together all the clues to figure out just who killed Grace Jenkins and who exactly Henrietta really is.  I really enjoyed watching the investigation take place and trying to guess all the whos and whys.

The reader is really only able to figure out only part of the mystery before the reveal but even with Aird's fair use of clues I had no idea until the very end.  It was an interesting and entertaining mystery with a clean concise writing style and a solid pace.  If you enjoy Agatha Christie's mysteries I think you would enjoy this book.

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Definitely!  I have really enjoyed the first two Inspector Sloan books and am looking forward to reading more.

Would I Recommend this Book? Absolutely!  If you're a fan of Agatha Christie and any of the other Golden Age mystery authors I think Catherine Aird should be on your must read list.


  1. What a great review! I have been wanting to read a classic mystery.

  2. Looks like you are on to another very good mystery author. Yes so interesting the difference the internet, mobile phones etc make today.

  3. This one is new to me but it really sounds interesting!

  4. That cover is super cool. I love the art style. 📘
