Sunday, March 20, 2022

Life With Leukemia, a Puppy, and Some Reading

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Fatal Flowers by Jess Dylan - This is the 3rd in the series that I've enjoyed and am curious to see how it develops.  (Publisher)

The Tuesday Night Survivors' Club by Lynn Cahoon - This is a new series by a cozy author that I usually enjoy so I'm looking forward to this one.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Evil in Emerald by A.M. Stuart and The Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey

Listening:  The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen

Last week kind of went off the rails.  Will's counts were pretty low at clinic and then he wasn't feeling well most of the week.  Saturday he woke up with a fever and for a leukemia kid that means you head to the ER.  His numbers had crashed and his fever was rising so we were admitted pretty much right away and he was put on IV antibiotics.  Luckily, he tested negative for all the scary things so it was just kind of a waiting game.  We ended up staying in the hospital for most of the week and we still aren't 100% sure what exactly he had.  It could be mono - the tests were inconclusive - or a million other viruses that for people with normal immune systems would barely have been a blip.  We got home Wednesday and he is starting to feel much better though his energy level is still pretty low.   He had a good time playing with the hospital bed and we had some really fantastic nurses and  Child Life Specialists who helped fill the time.  

In other news Rover finished puppy class.  The first picture was taken on the first day of class and the second picture was taken seven weeks later on the last day of class.  I can't believe how much he's grown!   We start Manners class this week and I'm looking forward to continuing the training.  I'm also trying to take him to different places during the week to get him used to being in all kinds of situations.  Obviously, the events of last week kind of sent that off the rails but we did get a walk in the park done today and it felt so great to be outside.

Jason and I have started watching the latest season of The Great British Bake-Off.  I always forget how much I love that show until we start watching it again.  We are trying not to binge it because we don't want it to be over to fast.  And thanks to Instagram reels I've gotten hooked on a Turkish soap opera called Sen Cal Kapimi and finally found a streaming service that has the whole series with English subtitles.  It's been a long time since I've watched any kind of drama but I'm really loving it!  I got a pretty good amount of reading done while we were hanging out in the hospital.  There's really only space for one person to sleep so Jason went home after dinner so I would spend most of my time reading.  I've found I've really been loving reading from actual books and have found my Kindle less appealing.  Not sure what that's about!   

Have a great week and happy reading!  


  1. I been worried about all of you when you weren't posting as much as usual. Knew something had to be going on. Sounds like life is settling back down. Hope you have a better, more normal week.

  2. So glad that Will is home and feeling better. I was wondering if something was up since you didn't post much last week! I hope manners class goes well for your pup. My 9 1/2 year old chihuahua could use that class too.

  3. Katherine, I am so happy that whatever glitch prevented me from seeing you blog has been corrected. That being said, I am sorry last week was a terrible one for your family - poor Will. I am glad he is home am hoping his energy picks up.

  4. So glad to hear Will is back home and doing better. What a nightmare! Tell me what physicla book you've had on your wish list and it's my treat - I'd love to send it to you. :-)

    Rover is getting so big!!

  5. Hope your son is 100% very soon. I have Evil in Emerald on my ereader waiting....Hope you like it.

  6. I'm sorry Will got sicker and needed to be in the hospital for a week. I'm glad he's home again. {{{hugs}}} His time in the hospital and what he's going through with Leukemia makes the virus/bug I've been dealing with for the last three weeks look like a cake walk. I'm sorry he has to deal with this at such a young age. :(

    My Sunday Post

  7. I hope things will improve quickly for Will now. Rover is growing so quickly! We have watched some British bake off, but we are also fans of Worst Cooks in America. Right now we are back to watching a season of Hell's Kitchen.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  8. I'm so glad that Will is feeling better, and I hope he continues to feel better. Rover is such a cutie!! I love the before and after photos that show his growth! I hope you have a happy and healthy week for all of you.

  9. I wondered if something might have happened. I am glad that Will is doing better. Hopefully no more hospital stays for a while. Rover is getting so big. I can believe how fast he is growing. I hope that this week is better for you.

  10. I'm glad to hear Will is doing better. I hope he continues to do better at home. Many hugs and prayers to all of you.

  11. Manners class sounds interesting. Hope it goes well. Good to hear re entry home has gone well. I have to say I really like a good print book, my first love, but Kindle has its advantages.

  12. I'm glad to hear Will is recovering well. I am so sorry he had such a rough week.

    And look at Rover. A puppy school graduate!

  13. Oh no!! I am sorry you all had to go through that but glad that things are on the upswing and that Will is feeling better.

    Evil in Emerald looks really good!

  14. I am really pleased that Will is recovering - it must be really scary with his immune system being so compromised right now. And I cannot get over just how fast Rover is growing up! Also I'm fascinated that you are now suddenly finding print books more beguiling than your trusty Kindle:)). I hope this week is a kinder one all round, Katherine.

  15. I know I read this. Sorry I must have gotten sidetracked before commenting. 😛

    Happy to know currently that Will is feeling better! 🤗
