Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books on My TBR with Water on the Cover

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is water so I'm listing books on my TBR with water on the cover.

1.  Dying in the Wool by Frances Brody - It's just a little bit but that is clearly a stream going under the bridge.

2.  The Happiness Plan by Susan Mallery

3.  Letters from Skye by Jessica Brockmole

4.  Bad Summer People by Emma Rosenblum

5.  The Bookshop by the Bay by Pamela Kelley

6.  Grief Cottage by Gail Godwin

7.  The Summer of Songbirds by Kristy Woodson Harvey

8.  Sweet Lake by Christine Nolfi

9.  A Novel Proposal by Denise Hunter

10. The Widower's Wife by Cate Holahan

Have you read any of these?  Do covers with water appeal to you?


  1. I only recognize a couple of these. Pretty covers though.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. These are all such pretty covers! I especially like Letters from Skye. So atmospheric.

  3. Great to choose 10 on on your TBR. The one in common we have is the Kristy Woodson Harvey book.

  4. I love the different vibe each of these covers gives off. They're all so great. :D

  5. These are all lovely, but I especially like the LETTERS FROM SKYE one. It's beautiful and evocative.

    Happy TTT!

  6. I love books with water themes. That was a major theme in The Covenant of Water, a book I read this summer. Sweet Lake looks delightfully tranquil.

  7. I love these covers. The only one I read is the Pamela Kelley book and I enjoyed it.

  8. I love the cover of Dying in the Wool. ☺
