Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Forgotten Backlist Titles on My TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic Forgotten Books on the Backlist.  I'm focusing on backlist books from authors whose books I've really enjoyed yet somehow haven't read yet!

1.  Welcome to Rosie Hopkin's Sweet Shop of Dreams by Jenny Colgan - I always enjoy a book by Jenny Colgan but this one has never made it to the top of my TBR for some reason.

2.  The Good Girl by Mary Kubica - I remember when this came out but somehow never got around to reading it.  After listening to another book by Kubica I really want to get caught up on her backlist.

3.  Rescue My Heart by Jill Shalvis - This author writes the best animal sidekicks and this series is focused on animals.  Why I haven't read this book or the entire series is a mystery to me.

4.  The Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams - I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I've ever read by this author but I have woefully neglected her backlist.

5.  The Clairvoyant Countess by Dorothy Gilman - I have loved all of the Mrs. Pollifax books but have never read any of her stand alone books and I'm really looking forward to picking this book up.

6.  Next Year in Havana by Chanel Cleeton - I just read Chanel Cleeton's latest book and enjoyed it.  Now it's time to tackle her backlist.

7.  Driftwood Summer by Patti Callahan Henry - Once Upon a Wardrobe by this author was a five star read for me last year and I really enjoyed another book I read this year.  I'm really looking forward to reading more of her contemporary and historical fiction.

8. The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James - I have really enjoyed the two books I've read from this author and a character in a cozy mystery was reading this one and loved it so I figure that's a good sign.

9.  The House We Grew Up In by Lisa Jewell - This was the book that put Lisa Jewell on my radar but while I've ended up reading a number of books by her I've somehow never got to this one.

10. The Address by Fiona Davis - Another author whose books I've loved but somehow I've neglected their backlists.  

What backlist titles are on your TBR?


  1. I feel like I have had Simone St. James on my list forever. And I love Jenny Colgan too!!

  2. I read The Good Girl and liked it. That Lisa Jewell book is one of my favorites of hers!

  3. I loved The Haunting of Maddy Clare! It's a good ghost story. And that Jill Shalvis sounds like one I would love, too. Adding it to my TBR list. :D

  4. Chanel Cleeton is an author I've been wanting to read. I have a couple of her books on my Kindle.

  5. Hmm I own The Good Girl on audio but haven't read it. I LOVED that Jill Shalvis book. I also enjoyed The Clairvoyant Countess.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  6. A reader on Goodreads' review recently reminded me I haven't read Before We Were Yours, yet. It's been on my Kindle forever. 📙

  7. I did enjoy The Summer Wives and Driftwood Summer and recognise most of the other authors. Such a richness of backlist books.

  8. I love Lisa Jewell! I hope you'll enjoy The House We Grew Up In when you get to it.

  9. It's wonderful to discover an author that has a backlist, I think.
