Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - My Favorite Characters from Books I've Read Recently

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is characters from different books who should team up which is a fun topic but one I drew a complete blank on.  Instead, I'm just going to list my favorite characters from books I've read recently.

1.  Emily Pollifax from Mrs. Pollifax Pursued by Dorothy Gilman - Mrs. Pollifax is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.  I'm not entirely sure if I want to avoid her at all costs or be her best friends.

2.  Harper Shaw from The Sweetheart List by Jill Shalvis - I adored Harper from page one of the book and it did not change.  She's just so nice.

3.  Vivian Schuyler from The Secret Life of Violet Grant by Beatriz Williams - Vivian was a fun character.  She has a strong sense of right and wrong and a good sense of adventure.

4.  Gertrude Harrow from Murder Off the Books by Tamara Berry - Gertrude is the main character's teenage daughter and she is funny, smart, and an amazing cook.  Plus, she is fantastic with a witty comeback.

5.  Lyndsay Murray from Hard Dough Homicide by Olivia Matthews - I loved all the characters in this book about a Brooklyn bakery but Lyndsay is my favorite as she is trying to reign in her crazy outspoken family.

6.  Maria Wallner from Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller - Maria is a determined hard worker and so comfortable in her own skin.  Plus, the book on it's own was fantastic.  

7.  Jess Metcalf from The Littlest Library by Poppy Alexander - Jess was such a nice person and really trying to figure out what makes her happy.  

8.  Erin Hartstock from Smoke and Mirrors by Barbara Michaels - Erin starts out as a bit of a wimp but definitely grows a backbone and a sense of humor as the book goes along.

9.  Phee Kimball from Strike Out 4 Murder by J.C. Eaton - I love Phee and love the trouble she gets into with the help of her mother's bookclub group.

10. Aurora Vicram from A Hard Day for Homicide by Darynda Jones - Another teenage daughter of the main character and another one who is smart and funny.  Aurora is also loyal and not one to shirk responsibility.  She really proved herself in this book.

Who are some of your favorite characters?


  1. I so agree with Harper from The Sweetheart List. What a great character. I loved her willingness to open her heart to the teenage girl and be there for her.

  2. I love your comment about Emily Pollifax...some people it is hard to know whether it's best o avoid them or to be their best friend!

  3. I drew a complete blank on this week's topic, too. I love that you went with favorite characters instead. :D

  4. Well I love Mrs. Pollifax and everything Jill Shalvis. I enjoy Darynda Jones too. I am thinking about trying a Barbara Michaels book because I have read and loved every single Elizabeth Peters book.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  5. Great spin on this topic and I see a couple of characters I really liked too. Especially Aurora, I 'd love her to get a series of her own. Loved Harper too.

  6. My aging memory was definitely not up to this week's prompt. I love a great character, but they just don't seem to stick in my head unless they're really, REALLY memorable.

    Aurora is a great character. I liked her in A BAD DAY FOR SUNSHINE, the only book I've read in the series. I read it a couple weeks ago, so I still remember the characters. Ha ha.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
