Thursday, August 10, 2023

Books from the Backlog - Crops and Robbers

Today I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog.  I really enjoy the chance to feature a book that's been hiding in the piles of books for far too long!

Goodreads:  Crops and Robbers by Paige Shelton

Blurb:   Bailey's Farmers' Market is all abuzz with the impending visit of the Central South Carolina Restaurant Association. Becca is quite excited, especially since her parents are visiting. But when the president of the Association vetoes Becca's strawberry preserves, she finds herself reeling from the snub. After pulling herself together, Becca heads home, only to find the president's body in her kitchen and her mother with bloody hands. Now, Becca has to use her sleuthing skills to get her mom out of this terrible jam...before she winds up preserving in prison.

Why It Needs to Come Off the Shelf:  I read the first 2 books in this series years ago and remember liking them - or at least I must have because I bought the rest of the series.  The rest of the series is sitting on my shelf and it fits well into my reading theme for this month so I need to pick this one up to see if the series deserves the shelf space.


  1. The cover and blurb look great fun - I hope you find that you like the series enough to keep reading it. It's always a win to discover you've forgotten gems in amongst the TBR mountain...

  2. That sounds funny! I'm slowly going through the print books at home and trying to balance those with Kindle books.

  3. It looks like fun. If this is the same author, I'm enjoying her Alaska series which seems not quite as cozy.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. A farmer's market is a novel setting for a story, I think.

  5. I like the sound of this one! I haven't picked up a cozy mystery in way too long.

  6. This is another series I want to read but haven't had a chance yet.
