Sunday, August 6, 2023

This Week in Reading - August 6

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Death in the Dark Woods by Annelise Ryan - I really enjoyed the first in the Monster Hunter cozy mystery series and am really looking forward to reading this one! (Publisher)


The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren
and A Troubling Tail by Laurie Cass

Listening: Atlas: The Story of Pa Salt by Lucinda Riley and Harry Whittaker

I'm really enjoying my books right now which is always fun.  I've really stopped reading books I'm not liking but it's extra fun when I'm really enjoying all my reading.

This week has been pretty busy.  Last weekend I was at an obedience handling seminar for Saturday and Sunday.  It was really interesting and I learned a lot but it was exhausting and I was all peopled out.  This week dog classes started back up so that was about 30 new people and about a dozen repeat students.  That's a lot names to absorb and there's a lot of paperwork involved.  I've also been trying to get everything set up to start Will's school this week.  I've got all the curriculum set up and we're reading to start on Monday.

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Happy back to school for Will! I've been on a streak of reading really great books for the most part. I like it when it's one enjoyable one after another.

  2. I love the look of Death in the Dark Woods! I definitely need to check that one out. And I have The Unhoneymooners on my TBR list. Lauren's books are so fun. :D

  3. It is awesome when you really enjoy your books. It's a busy back to school / routine time of year. I hope it all goes smoothly.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. I still miss going to dog shows and related seminars. I guess it stays in the blood. 🐕

    Keep us updated on what Will is studying. 🖋📔

    Have a wonderful new week. ☀

  5. I've been enjoying my books too. It's so much more fun when you don't have to force yourself to finish a book you aren't liking. Good luck with school starting. Have a great week!

  6. Ah finally into Pa Salt, happy listening! I've not Christina Lauren, often thought about it but never made the jump. Sounds like a busy time and with schooling starting up you will be even more so.

  7. I really need to try a Christina Lauren book! Have a good week.
    Mary @Bookfan

  8. I'm glad you're enjoying all your books right now... I've been on a great reading streak, too, and it's the best! Good luck with the return to school for Will and the dog classes.

  9. It does sound like you have been very busy! It is great when you are enjoying all of your books.

  10. It's hard to believe it's time for school again. Mouse head's back on Friday. I am glad to hear you are enjoying your reading! My own reading seems to be going slowly. I enjoy it when I'm reading, but I'm finding it hard to pick up books again in between the actual reading. I hope the dog classes are going well! Have a great week!

  11. Happy first week back to school!!

    I am adding Death in the Dark Woods to my list!
