Sunday, August 13, 2017

This Week in Reading - August 13

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Just one this week!  Though I may have 2 pending requests out there lurking.

Say No Moor by Maddy Hunter - A tour of travel bloggers through Cornwall goes horribly wrong and the tour organizer finds herself running an inn and trying to save the day to keep her travel company going.  This is the beginning of a new series and this is a new to me author but it's a cozy I'm really looking forward to trying!  (NetGalley)


Reading:  I'm finishing up The Cottingley Secret by Hazel Gaynor for a blog tour stop later this week and am about to start Dinner with Edward by Isabel Vincent.  For Kindle reading I'm reading Tiny House on the Hill by Celia Bonaduce.

Listening:  Still waiting for A Study in Scarlet Women by Sherry Thomas but until that gets here I'm listening to podcasts.

Watching:  We just finished Shetland on Netflix and we really liked it though I didn't love the last season.  I felt like the characters did a few things that they never would have done and few things that happened just din't feel like the rest of the series.  Now we're looking for something else to watch.  Right now it's between River on Netflix or Grantchester

Off the Blog:

Well the big news around here is that Eleanor got married this week!  She and her long time boyfriend had been talking about getting married for awhile and had been working on wedding planning but a few days ago they decided they didn't want to mess with all the wedding stuff and just wanted to be married.  So earlier this week we all met at the courthouse and watched them get married.  They're very excited and we're very happy for them and excited to see them start their life together.

Other than that it's been a busy but ordinary week.  The Tornado is getting back on schedule at school and so far really liking his teacher and the kids in his class.  The kitten is still adapting well though has not liked that I've been away from home quite a bit this past week.  He's made his displeasure clearly known by following me around and yowling at me until I sit down so he can sit on me.

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Reviews from the Children's Section - The Westing Game
Tuesday:  10 Book Recommendations for Young Mystery Lovers
Wednesday: The Cottingley Secret - Blog Tour Review
Thursday: TBD 
Friday:  Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  At Wits End - Cozy Mystery Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I love the look of Say No Moor.

    Congrats on the wedding; a simple one can be a lot more relaxing.

    I enjoyed Shetland, recently watched a show called Gypsy, and now I'm watching The Ranch.


  2. Say No Moor- love that title and Cornwall too? Nice.

    Congrats on your daughters wedding! and lol about your kitten- yup that sounds about right! It's all about them you know. :):)

    I liked Shetland S3 but it was different, and there were a few things I didn't like, so yeah. I'm in the same boat- what to watch now??

  3. River on Netflix is really good ^.^

    Have a fabulous week! :)

    - El @ El's Book Reviews

  4. That is exactly how I think everyone should get married! Congrats to Eleanor.

    Enjoy your bookish week!

  5. Congrats to Eleanor! That is exciting. Glad Tornado is on schedule and liking his teachers. Funny about your kitten! Hope you have a great week!

  6. Congratulations to Eleanor and her new hubby! And to you, because, honestly, all of that wedding planning gets really old, really fast!

  7. Congrats to Eleanor! That is great! I am glad the Tornado is enjoying school, my go back on September 7th, I kind of can't wait.

    My cat does that at night, she meows is she can't sleep next to me so sometimes to make her stop I have to sleep on the couch. Otherwise she keeps me up all night.

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  8. Congratulations to Eleanor! I wish her and her husband a long and happy marriage.

    I wanted to request Say No Moor, but I'm so behind on my review books that I thought I'd better not. So I look forward to your review! If the series sounds good, maybe I can borrow it from the library.

    Good luck to the Tornado in school; I hope he has a happy and productive year. And enjoy your kitten—they're so cute and funny when they're young.

  9. Sometimes a simple wedding is the way to go. That's how my husband and I got married as at the courthouse and we've been married 18 years. :) I'm glad Tornado is enjoying his new class and teacher at school.

    Have a great week and happy reading.
    Jenea's Book Obsession's Sunday's Post

  10. Are you sure that is a new series cause when I looked up Say No Moor it says it's #11, unless they are reinventing it. I almost got this one but seen it was in the middle of a series and so I didn't now I am confused. :)

    Congrats on the newlyweds! Sounds like your kitten has really taken a liking to you and so it's not happy when your gone. :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  11. A quiet wedding sounds perfect. That poor kitten, at least it is making itself heard. Sounds like you need to sit and read and cuddle!!

  12. Totally agree to forget all the stress that wedding planning can sometimes cause, and just do it! Glad they are happy! Hugs...

  13. Congratulations to Eleanor! I worked with a woman who told her three daughters that they could either have a fancy wedding, or a down payment on a house. All three of them chose the down payment. The courthouse with close friends and family is such a money (and stress) saver. Yay for a smooth start to school for the Tornado. The kitten stories are cracking me up. Have a fab week. :)

  14. Congratulations to Elanor! My husband and I did the courthouse wedding too and it was so worth it saving the stress of wedding planning. I'm glad school is off to a good start for Tornado and he's enjoying his class/teacher. The kitten sounds adorable - animals do have a way of letting their displeasure known, don't they? LOL! Have a great week!

  15. Congratulations to Eleanor and your new son-in-law! Sometimes I wish I had foregone the formal ceremony and saved my money. I am glad Tornado is happy with his class and teacher this year. We still have a couple weeks to go before school starts here. Fingers crossed everything goes well for Mouse (and the rest of us).

    Say No Moor sounds fun! I hope you like it, Katherine.

    Have a great week!

  16. Congrats to the newlyweds! Glad the tornado likes his teacher.
    Enjoy the cozy - I love a Cornwall setting.

  17. Congratulations to your daughter...I don't blame her - weddings are such expensive and stressful things to plan when you just want to get on with getting married. Funny to hear your son is back at school when my daughter still has three weeks of her holidays left.

  18. How wonderful to have a wedding in the family - and I think they have their priorities straight. It's insane to spend a fortune on a single day, when a quiet, intimate and joyous ceremony does the job a whole lot better. We had a quiet wedding, too:). Have a lovely week and hope the Tornado settles back to school quickly.

  19. Congrats on the wedding! I don't blame them for skipping all of the wedding planning and just going for it. I am looking forward to your review of the new Hazel Gaynor book since I really enjoyed her first novel. Have a great week!

  20. Congrats to Eleanor! How wonderful they are staring their life together without the fuss of a big wedding. Frankly, I don't know why people spend thousands ion a wedding so...good for them!

  21. That's totally the way to go. I think I'd want real small and just do it vs the months and months of planning. Congrats to them both!

    And aw on the herd kitten. Yowling he should! Abandoning him like that for so many hours. BabyG understands his upsetment! lol

  22. Planning a wedding can be stressful. Congrats to Eleanor and her husband! The kitten sounds so adorable. You're his people!
