Sunday, April 23, 2023

This Week in Reading - April 23

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Overdue or Die by Allison Brook - I really enjoy this series and can't wait for this book! (Publisher)

Shadow of Death by Heather Graham - I really liked the first book in this series involving cults, an FDLE agent and an FBI agent but was a bit meh on the 2nd book so I have my fingers crossed on this one.  (Publisher)


Reading:  Murder on Bedford Street by Victoria Thompson and Pall in the Family by Dawn Eastman

Listening:  The House at Riverton by Kate Morton

I spent last weekend and most of this week not feeling well and am just now starting to feel back on my feet.  I have a tendency towards upper respiratory infections that if I'm not careful seem to turn into pneumonia and apparently this week was the week for one to show up.  Luckily, I caught it pretty early and after a round of meds am starting to feel back to normal.  Because of that I didn't do much other than the bare minimum and try to get as much rest in as possible.

I did manage to get Will to his physical therapy appointment where he got a glowing report.  While he still does have a bit of foot pain he's not showing any sign of drop foot anymore.  We will go one more time but than will probably be done unless some other problem shows up.  He's been in a good mood and has been obsessed with Star Wars and Legos lately.  It's really good to see him be able to really focus on interests and have fun without worrying about pain or fatigue or nausea.  

Have a great week and happy reading! 


  1. My husband and I retired from FDLE!

    Glad to hear about Will's glowing progress but sorry to hear you've had respitory issues. Be careful and get those meds in you :-)

  2. Now THAT'S a severe overdue policy lol. Serisouly though- hope you're feeling better! And that you guys have a great week. I think I read a Victoria thompson a few years back- it was a snowy mystery/ romance, if I recall. I really liked if I'm thinking of the same author !

  3. I hope you are feeling much better and able to enjoy this week more. It's great to hear Will is having a normal time with regular interests. I also enjoyed Murder on Bedford St.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. Overdue or Die is such a cute title. And I'm excited to read V. Thompson's latest; I love Frank and Sarah and all the other characters. :D

  5. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. I hope you are doing better. I have to catch up on Allison Brook's series. I'm a little behind on it. Feel better and have a great week!

  6. My copy of that Victoria Thompson novel should show up this week. I'm planning to read it in August. Can't believe I'll be caught up on the series after so many years trying to catch up.

    Hope you feel great this week.

  7. Oh so sorry to hear you have been unwell, upper respiratory is never fun. So good to hear that Will is relishing life. I. have the Overdue or Die book too, I love that series.

  8. I hope you are 100% quickly, and yay for Will feeling pretty much normal! 🤗

    Have a wonderful new week! ☀

  9. I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I can relate to the upper respiratory issues. I have a long history of bronchitis and I have to be so careful to catch it quickly before pneumonia is an issue. That's wonderful news about Will!!

  10. Urg! Upper respiratory infections are a horror for absolutely draining your energy levels! Glad you caught it early and you're very wise to give yourself lots of rest. It's wonderful to hear that Will is now able to be engrossed in boyish things like Star Wars and Lego (I can relate, no 2 grandson is saving up for a Millenniel Falcon kit!!) without becoming ill. I hope the coming week is a good one for you, Katherine:).

  11. Doug and I retired from FDLE! That's a series I'd not heard of and I wonder if the author was connected to the law enforement agency? Glad Will doing so well! Verry sorry to hear about your respitory issues. I've had pneumonia twice and it's no joke. Take care of yourself.

  12. Glad you've finally turned the corner with the respiratory infection. Will look forward to your thoughts on The House at Riverton... I've had it on my kindle for way too long!

  13. I'm so very happy for you and Will! Enjoy every second of this new time of your lives!
