Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Nonfiction Books On My TBR

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is a school freebie.  My primary way of learning at the moment is nonfiction books and here are 10 on my TBR.

1.  How to Keep House While Drowning: A Gentle Approach to Cleaning and Organizing by KC Davis - The past couple of years have just been about treading water with my son's leukemia diagnosis.  Now that his treatment is within 6 months of completion I'm starting to feel like I'm finally coming up for air and this book really appeals to me.  

2.  Heiresses: The Lives of the Million Dollar Babies by Laura Thompson - I'm fascinated by the American heiresses who ended up marrying into the British Aristocracy.  

3.  The Churchill Sisters: The Extraordinary Lives of Winston and Clementine's Daughters by Rachel Trewethey - I know a bit about Winston and Clementine Churchill but nothing about their children and this sounds fascinating.

4.  The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream: the Hunt for a Victorian Era Serial Killer by Dean Jobb - I've heard of Dr. Cream but I know nothing about his actual crimes.

5.  The Falcon Thief:  A True Tale of Adventure, Treachery and the Hunt for the Perfect Bird by Joshua Hammer - I know nothing about this book or falcons in general but this sounds interesting.  

6.  Close Calls: How Eleven US Presidents Escaped From the Brink of Death by Michael Spradlin - This one just sounds fascinating.  

7.  The Last Voyage of the Andrea Doria: The Sinking of the World's Most Glamorous Ship by Greg King and Penny Wilson - I've never heard of this ship but I love books about ships and shipwrecks.  

8.  Feline Philosophy: Cats and the Meaning of Life by John Gray - So I won't learn to much from this but it sounds fun.

9.  Code Name: Lise: The True Story of World War II's Most Highly Decorated Spy by Larry Loftis - I read another book by Loftis earlier this year and really enjoyed it. This sounds just as interesting.

10. The Castle on Sunset: Life, Death, Love, Art, and Scandal at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont by Shawn Levy - I can't resist the title!  

Do you have any nonfiction books on your TBR?


  1. Heiressess sounds interesting! I'm curious who is included.

  2. Some interesting titles here. How to Keep House While Drowning has me curious.

  3. Nice list, I need to read more nonfiction. I love the look of How to Keep House While Drowning!

  4. I love reading good nonfiction! #s 2, 4 and 9 on your list especially appeal to me. :D

  5. These all sound very interesting! I could see the book about the Presidents who were almost killed being one that would be hard to put down.

  6. I am going to look up The Case of the Murderous Dr. Cream. You've piqued my curiosity. Great list Kathleen!

  7. Some NF books are so interesting. I often wish I read more of them. Meantime I am reading literacy ones - latest research etc.

  8. I don't usually read non-fiction but these look good.

  9. I have an ebook about the Chateau Marmont. I wonder if it's the same one? I'll have to look. It supposed to be super haunted. 👻
