Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday - Books Set in Places I Want to Visit

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Books Set in Places I'd Like to Visit.  

1.  The Tuesday Night Survivor's Club by Lynn Cahoon - Sedona, Arizona

2.  'Til Death by Carol J. Perry - Salem, Massachusetts

3.  The Bookshop on the Shore by Jenny Colgan  - Scotland

4.  The Missing Sister by Lucinda Riley - New Zealand

5.  Anne of Green Gable by L.M. Montgomery - Prince Edward Island, Canada

6.  The Crying Child by Barbara Michaels - Maine

7.  The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly - an English village

8.  Donut Disturb by Ellie Alexander - Ashland, Oregon

9.  The Lost Carousel of Provence by Juliet Blackwell - France

10. Born in Fire by Nora Roberts - Ireland

What places have you read about that you'd like to visit?


  1. Prince Edward Island yes!! And Maine... Just because it's the cozy mystery capitol of the world.

    Scotland and Nieu Zealand can be fun too. I actually have Scotland on my list as well today.

    Elza Reads

  2. Nice choices, I want to go all these places too. Although Sedona, Arizona is only a few miles from where I live and I go there often.

  3. I'm a huge fan of Scotland! And I've always wanted to go to Maine. Fun list. :D

  4. Yes would definitely like to visit Scotland and Canada. I went there for a day so doesn't really count in the winter, up to hot pools and back to Washington State. Years ago!

  5. I love Salem. I've only been there during summer vacations, so it's on my bucket list to visit in the fall. 🍂🍁

  6. I love Salem. I've only been there during summer vacations, so it's on my bucket list to visit in the fall. 🍂🍁

  7. I loved The Last Garden in England!
