Saturday, January 20, 2018

This Week in Reading - January 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Two Girls Down by Louisa Luna - I heard a lot of good buzz for this one so when I saw it on Goodreads Giveaway I couldn't resist.  And I won!  (Giveaway Win)

Family Tree by Susan Wiggs - I love Susan Wiggs so when the opportunity came up to read her latest for a blog tour of course I couldn't say no!  (Blog Tour)

About That Kiss by Jill Shalvis - I'm trying to catch up on Shalvis' newest series and am really excited about this one (Edelweiss)

A Reisling to Die by J.C. Eaton - I've really enjoyed another cozy series from this author duo so there was no way I could resist an invitation to read this newest series about a winery!  (Author)

Who Moved My Goat Cheese? by Lynn Cahoon - I love Cahoon's cozy mysteries and am super excited about this latest farm related series. (NetGalley)

As the Christmas Cookie Crumbles by Leslie Budewitz - I love the Food Lover's Village series so I'm super excited to get this newest book.  (NetGalley)

The Family Gathering by Robyn Carr - I've really loved the Sullivan's Crossing series and am looking forward to this one as well.  (NetGalley)

The First Kiss of Spring by Emily March - I love Eternity Springs and this one looks like a great springtime read.  (Publisher)

This was really a week and a half worth of books since some of them came at the end of last week when I was out of town but things did get a bit out of control!


Reading:  Twelve Angry Librarians by Miranda James and The English Wife by Lauren Willig

Listening:  I'm listening to The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher right now and I just finished Map of the Heart by Susan Wiggs

Watching:  J and I have been watching Top Chef and are really enjoying this season.  I'm liking the low drama a lot.  I've been watching the new Danger Mouse on Netflix with the Tornado and we're both loving it.  I was a big fan of the original show and it's been fun to share this with him.  

Off the Blog:

Last weekend was my Grandfather's 94th birthday so I was out of town visiting him.  We had such a nice visit and because it was a long weekend Emma was able to leave school for a few days and join us.  She was very vague on who Jimmy Stewart was and had never watched Casablanca so of course we had to fix that!  We watched Casablanca of course and then for quick lesson in who Jimmy Stewart is we watched Harvey and Destry Rides Again which was his first Western made in 1938 with Marlene Dietrich.

When I got back things got a little crazy thanks to the weather.  The Tornado was out of school last Friday, then Monday (for MLK) and then Tuesday and Wednesday for Icy road conditions and then had a 2 hour delay on Thursday.  Friday was Scholars Celebration for all the students who got all As and Bs or higher on their report card so I spent a little while up at the school for that.  The Tornado and I had a good time hanging out in our pajamas and drinking hot chocolate but needless to say nothing got done!

My rather old and quirky desktop died last week to make things even more fun.  My husband has been encouraging me to upgrade and get a laptop for some time but I'd been resisting so this was the push I needed to finally get it done.  I'm really liking the portability and being able to work anywhere but I'm still trying to reorganize all my files!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Say No Moor - Cozy Mystery Review
Tuesday:  Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Liked But Don't Remember
Wednesday:  Sisters Like Us - Contemporary Romance Review
Thursday: Twelve Angry Librarians - Cozy Mystery Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with current book
Saturday: The English Wife - Historical Fiction Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I have Two Girls Down, and loved Family Tree. I also want The Family Gathering.

    I didn't get my laptop until my old desktop died, either, but I am glad I finally got it. It took me a while to organize everything, too, and also to get used to working on a smaller keyboard. Enjoy!

  2. Yay for the giveaway win! Two Girls Down sounds good, as does the new Cahoon. I read a Budewitz cozy a few years back and enjoyed it, I should look at her more recent books as well.

    Casablanca... haven't seen that in a while! :)

  3. Wowee that is quite some books coming in, some happy reading coming up. I hope to read Lauren Willig's book some time and of course Robyn Carr's book.

  4. Looks like you got some great books there, Katherine! Two Girls Down appeals to me, especially given my reading mood as of late. I hope it lives up to the hype! I am glad you are enjoying your laptop! I really like having one. I spend so little time at my actual desk at home. I do need an upgrade at some point though as I'm already having trouble with the one I have. Just hoping it holds out until I can afford a new one.

    I am so glad your grandfather is doing better and that you were able to celebrate his birthday with him. What weather you've been having though! I am glad you've been able to spend some down time with Tornado as a result. I know it means getting less done, but I am sure you both enjoy the memories you are building as well.

    I hope you have a great week, Katherine! I'm in training the next couple days and away from the office. I wish I could say I was happy about that, but a lot will depend on how the trainings go. LOL

  5. Casablanca and Harvey are great movies, though I haven't seen Destry Rides Again. Have a great week!

  6. Drinking hot chocolate with the Tornado sounds nice, even if nothing got done. Those lazy, unexpected days off of school are the best!
    Your new books look awesome! I already read About that Kiss, and I loved it. Shalvis is my go-to author for romances where I feel like the characters are my friends. And so, I'm really invested in what's going on with them.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  7. I've never seen Casablanca before, but it sounds fantastic! Glad you had a nice weekend!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  8. You did get a good bunch of books! TWO GIRLS DOWN is the one that I've had my eye on. I'm so glad the 'cold snap' that all of us had here in the south has passed on by. It was almost 70 here yesterday and will be in the 60's all this week. I like that better. Glad you got to spend time with your grandparents. And I didn't get a laptop until my desktop died either. However, I have it set up on my desk and still use a large monitor and a regular keyboard. Some things I can't give up. LOL

  9. 94 that's respectable age! :)

    Oh wow you got so many books. Two Girls Down seems really good!

  10. Ooh! Who reads The Princess Diarist? I bet that would be amazing in audiobook form if Carrie Fisher had read it herself.

  11. I finally gave my fairly new desktop to my grown son because I love my laptop so much. I usually work sitting on my couch :)

    Oh, here's another Jimmy Stewart gem film which I love: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956). Doris Day sang Que Sera, Sera in it.

    I read Two Girls Down recently and enjoyed it very much. Have a good week.

  12. I have a laptop, but I still find myself using my desktop. I am not sure what I am going to do when it dies because it is getting older. It would be nice to be able to empty out the space, though. Worry about it when it happens, I guess. lol Have a great week!

  13. I've heard good things about Two Girls Down. Can't wait to read your review.

    Our weather was the same . . . delays, cancellations, but it is nice to just stay home.

    You'll love the laptop. The portability is fantastic.

    Have a great week!

  14. Wow lots of great books!! Congrats on the book win too. Oh I love my laptop so much. I would be lost without it. Have a great week!

  15. Great haul! I hope you love Two Girls Down as I really liked it. I also got A Riesling to Die cause of the author. :) I have Cahoon and Budewitz on my watch list as I am hoping they come on audio to review but if not I will snatch them up. :)

    I am curious to see what you think of The English Wife as it's on my library wishlist.

    Sounds like you had a pretty eventful week with the weather, that nasty weather is everywhere! You watched some great movies with your family!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  16. Wow, 94 years old? That is fantastic and I love that you get hang out with him. Reminds me of my grandfather who was all fun too. And that is a pretty long list of books that you got. Good going.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  17. Happy birthday to your grandpa! I hope you enjoyed each other. I’m sure you’re loving your new laptop, but will love it even more once you get all your files transferred. Hopefully you’ll get everything done Now that the Tornado is back in school. Have a great week!

  18. I love lazy days with my kids. It really is a lot of fun to not get anything done. :)
    Happy Birthday to your grandfather!
    YAY for a new computer! :) The transfer part is always the biggest headache!

    Have a great week, Katherine! Happy Reading! ox

  19. Looks like a great haul for you and yay for the new laptop. Hope you have a wonderful week. - Katie

  20. Two Girls Down sounds good. I love Destry Rides Again but haven't seen it in years. I'll need to find a copy to watch,

  21. I love Jimmy Stuart! My favorite movie of his is Rope by Alfred Hitchcock, which is probably not the best one to start on for kids :) And I'm really looking forward to your review of The English Wife. That was my Book of the Month selection recently with some things I really loved, and some things I loved less. Can't wait to hear what you think!

  22. Lots of great new books this week! I really enjoyed Two Girls Down and hope you do as well. About That Kiss was another great book. It sounds like you had a busy week. I hope you enjoy all of your new books and have a great week!

  23. It's always a score to win of GR's giveaways. How wonderful your grandfather had a happy birthday and got to spend time with his great granddaughter. I liked that you watched old movies.

  24. Ooo... what a lovely thing - to settle down with Emma and enjoy Jimmy Stewart films:)). It sounds like a rather topsy turvy week - and while I'm sure you'll get to grips with the new laptop, getting to grips with a new computer is always stressful. Here's hoping the coming week is a bit smoother, Katherine!

  25. So many great sounding books here! I was just thinking about putting Two Girls Down on hold at the library because I've been seeing some great reviews for it. It looks like you have lots of great reading ahead of you! Enjoy!

  26. I got a copy of The Family Gathering, too. I'm loving the Sullivan's Crossing series as well so I hope we both love the 3rd installment. Enjoy all your books! :)

  27. Wow you received such a nice mix of books! And I was the same with my old laptop until it died on me, now I can't live without my new one! I hope you have a great week!

  28. I'm reading About That Kiss now and really enjoying it. Some of the other books on your list are on my TBR, too. Have a great week!

  29. Congrats on your Goodreads win. Happy Birthday to your grandfather, it is wonderful that you still get to spend time with him. My mom makes all her grandchildren watch Casablanca with her, it's her favorite movies.That's the only thing I dislike about getting new laptops, moving files around. I hope you enjoy all your new reads and have a wonderful day.

  30. Looks like you got a lot of great books this week! And congratulations to your Grandpa on his birthday, to you on the new laptop, and to the Tornado for his good report card! I got The Family Gathering too, and devoured it right away; The First Kiss of Spring is on my Kindle waiting for me.

  31. Your book haul looks awesome! I'm way behind on my Jill Shalvis lately :) Also interested in hearing your thoughts on the Princess Diarist - I listened to it last Summer and still don't know what rating I'd give it :) I've been meaning to make my husband watch Casablanca - such a good movie! Hope your daughter enjoyed it!

  32. Damn, 94 years old! Your grandad is strong XD. I miss Carrie Fisher (and love her as an actress), but biography and memoirs was never my first choice of genre to read.

    Have a great week!

  33. Love your book haul. And congrats on the giveaway. Hope you have a great week!

  34. Yay, congrats on the giveaway win! Hope you'll have an amazing week!

  35. Ha ha, you really did get a lot of books too! I know the feeling of growing that TBR!

    Happy birthday to your grandpa!

  36. I think I'm behind by one in the latest Shalvis series. How wonderful to celebrate your grandpa's birthday!

  37. At first glance thought those were the books you read last week! And I was in awe. LOL At closer look I realized that was your book haul. :) Hooray for the new laptop! Hope you're getting used to it and enjoying it.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  38. I am reading About That Kiss now and its good!! I really love it. The dog is hilarious!! Glad you got to celebrate your grandfathers birthday!

  39. Two Girls Down sounds so good. Congrats on winning the giveaway. That's great.

    We had the snowy, cold weather here last week too, which kept my son out of school most of the week. And yet now we're in the 60's and he was outside in shorts and flip flops yesterday. I'm sure the warm weather won't last but I'll enjoy it while it's here.

    Congrats on your new laptop too! I started using a laptop earlier this year and fell in love with that freedom to take my work anywhere.

  40. Happy happy birthday to your grandfather! That's amazing. I hope you have a great week!

  41. Wow, 94 years? That's awesome! I wish my school would have a late start plan. There are so many times we could not lose a day if we would just do that. Of course my old school district, the one I worked in before the one I"m in now, developed one of those programs after I left. Hope you have a good week and enjoy your new laptop! I want a new laptop both for my own things, as well as to play The Sims on.

  42. We had no school last Tuesday due to the icy roads. How fun to have almost an entire week! We have so many extra instructional days built in that we don't even have to activate a bad weather day. Our district always plans for 5-6 extra days. I love the mobility of my laptop, and I can do work when I'm out somewhere where there's wifi.

  43. Ice sucks. That's what we usually get here in NC, but we got honest-to-goodness snow. And lots of it. It was like I was back in Ohio again. So happy! But glad it's gone now. lol

    Like you, I've been resisting a laptop buy (I'm a desktop girl all the way), but I'm starting an online business and now I need one for portability. Ugh. lol

  44. Oh wow, lots of great looking boos you got. I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading and have a wonderful week. Glad to hear about your grandfather. 94 is AWESOME. 😁❤️👍🏻

  45. Oh lots of good looking reads. Yay for the Shalvis :) Sounds like a good time in with the kiddo to me!

  46. Oh, maybe now that I have a cyber-library card I can see if they have the Princess Diarist audiobook. Happy birthday to your grandfather! I love that you got to spend time with him. Harvey is one of my favorite Jimmy Stewart movies. I hope your week went well. I am super late doing my blog hopping. :)
