Saturday, January 27, 2018

This Week in Reading - January 28

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Clairvoyant and Present Danger by Lena Gregory - I loved  the previous book in the series and am excited to get to this one. (Publisher)

The Fast and the Furriest by Sofie Ryan  - I've seen this series around for awhile and I've really wanted to try it.  (Publisher)

Pekoe Most Poison by Laura Childs - I love this tea shop series by Childs' and when I read this one last year I loved it.  I'm looking forward to reread it. (Publisher)

Claws for Concern by Miranda James - I just read the previous book in this series and am really looking forward to this one! (Publisher)

Death of an Unsung Hero by Tessa Arlen - I've been wanting to read this historical mystery series for ages so I'm super excited about this one. (Publisher)


Reading:  Pines of Winder Ranch by RaeAnne Thayne and A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn

Listening: The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham
Watching:  We haven't been watching much TV lately but we did get caught up on The Middle and have been watching Top Chef.  

Off the Blog:

This week was decidedly normal.  There were no school delays or cancellations.  The temperatures warmed up to chilly but not so cold it make my face hurt.  J and the Tornado had a campout with Cub Scout's last weekend.  Well kind of a camp out.  Really they spent the night at The Children's Museum in Chattanooga, TN (which is fantastic if you haven't been but find yourself in the area).  They had a fantastic time and the Tornado and his friends got to do bunch of different science experiments.  I stayed home and reread a favorite book so it was a win for all!

I'm really trying to get more reading time in this year so anytime I find myself mindlessly flipping through Pinterest on my phone I pick up a book.  So far it's working!  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  James Bond Project: Book vs Movie - From Russia with Love
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Books I Can't Believe I Haven't Read
Wednesday:  Til Death Do Us Part - Historical Romantic Suspense Review
Thursday:  The Crown Princes' Wife + Pines of Winder Ranch - Contemporary Romance Short Reviews
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  About That Kiss - Contemporary Romance Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I love the titles of cute and I love the play on words.

    This year I want to read more cozies...and also more of RaeAnne Thayne's books.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for sharing.

  2. Ooh Tessa arlen has a new one out? I haven't read her since Death of a Dishonorable Gentleman, and I need to catch up! I love the titles of all those cozies, BTW. they crack me up. :) Claws for Concern especially looks fun- I need to read a cat cozy one of these days.

  3. Some interesting sounding reads there. Have a great week!

  4. That looks like an amazing book haul - now the read them!

  5. Wind in the Willows! It's been ages since I read that. I hope you are enjoying the audio. I want to--need to--read A Curious Beginning. Hopefully soon. I'm excited about Tessa Arlen's new book as well. I am glad you are fitting in more reading. I am trying to do that too--whenever I get the urge to play a game on my phone, read instead. It's probably the one way I'll get through my two big classics this year. LOL Have a great weekend, Katherine!

  6. I am definitely in the mood for sprinkling more cozies in with my other books. Sometimes I just get so tired of the extreme violence against women prevalent in the current batch of psychological suspense!

    I added the first Tessa Arlen title to my to-read list on GR if I can get it, so I can start at the beginning of that series. I actually enjoy several historical mystery series, so what's one more?

    Here's to more pleasant weather and more reading time ahead!

  7. Such a great haul - I always love to see what cozy mysteries you are adding to your shelf!

  8. Looks like you got a bunch of good books. I have been keeping up with Top Chef too. I was excited this week was restaurant wars. Hope you have a great week!

  9. Such a great bunch of books! Hope you love them. I've wanted to start Tessa Arlen's series and will make a note of it. And I also want to try the Veronica Speedwell books - have loved Deanna Raybourn's other series. How fun that the guys got to have a 'campout' and you got to have a 'quiet reading night'. Win-win for everyone! Have a good week!

  10. Those are such cute covers :) enjoy!
    The temps warmed up here too, now we just have nice, sticky snow - it's not terribly freezing, like it was he week before.
    I'm getting more reading time through listening to books this week :)
    Hope you have a great week!

  11. I see you're still into the James Bond thing which I adore. I haven't reread any books lately, but there are a few I'm thinking of. I HAVE been watching Top Chef and Chopped over and over though. (lol) Nice book haul. Hugs...RO

  12. Oh, that sounds exciting! Overnight stay at the museum, huh? With science projects as a bonus... I'm sure both they and you had a good time.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  13. What a lovely experience, camping out in the local museum - and the fact you got some reading time is a bonus, too:). Have another normal week - weather permitting!

  14. What a lovely collection of cozies! And the Tornado's overnight at the Children's Museum must have been so much fun for him. And hopefully for J, too.

    I keep meaning to ask, how are your older kids doing?

  15. Sounds like a good week. Camping out at the science center sounds fantastic!

    Have a great week!

  16. Look at all those cozies! I have them too and they all look good. I love The Middle. Such a great show. Hope you have a great week!

  17. You got a great haul of cozy mysteries. These sound fun and I hope you enjoy them. I have a long list of books I hope to get to this year. I hope you have a great week!

  18. Sounds like a fun week for ya'll. The museum would be exciting. And look at those cute cozies! I'm addicted to them. LOL

  19. Camping out at a museum would be awesome. Enjoy your new books, and have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  20. Glad the tornado had a lovely time! I hope you enjoy your books!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  21. An overnight stay at a museum sounds like so much fun. I'm (sort of) an adult and I would love to do that!
    I find myself scrolling through more social media lately then ever before as I try to get That Book Store's name out there. It is taking up a lot of my time. I still have that long commute to work to get my listening to books in thou, so I do get 2 solid hours in at least 5 days a week. Glad to hear your discipline plan is working out.
    Have a great week and enjoy all your new books!

  22. Great bunch of new books - hope you enjoy them all. When I was a Girl Scout leader, we took our troop to Philadelphia for a sleepover at the Franklin Institute.. sounds like a program similar to your Cub Scout's in TN. I remember wishing I had an air mattress! ;-)

  23. I was offered Death of an Unsung Hero but I'm wondering if I can jump in with book 4. Probably? I have a couple of days to decide I guess. How nice to have a free day to reread a book. I spent a (sleepless) night at a museum with my daughter's girl scout troop. I feel I earned a spot in heaven with that event, lol. Have a great week!

  24. The Wind in the Willows was one of my top favorite books when I was a kid, and I was totally destroyed when Baz didn't care for it. Ha ha! Nice you got a book reading weekend and "the boys" got a campout, with science. I hope you are having a good start to the week. :)

  25. LOL G has been enjoying the air not hurting her whiskers, too. Your new reads look so good! Happy reading!

  26. That sounds like a fun, camp out. In fifth grade my oldest camped out at a working farm in Marin or Sonoma county and later on in the year slept on a docked ship, being part of the cooking crew.

  27. I think all of our true winter weather is behind us. I doubt we'll get anything else. We had one cancellation and because my district makes us do 8374893743 extra days (like, an entire week of extra days), we don't have to make it up. So, holiday in February!
