Monday, January 1, 2018

First Book of the Year - 2018

"Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?" - L.M. Montgomery

I love a new year.  I feel just like Anne does - like I'm looking at a blank page just waiting to be filled up with ideas and projects.  But before all that I must make the most important decision - What will my first book of the year be?  Will it be a reread?  A book by a guaranteed author?  A risk?  Or a book I've wanted to read for far too long?

This year I'm going with a classic.  One that I've wanted to read for years and by an author I've always enjoyed.

Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck.  By all accounts this is a bit different than most of his books.  There's no Great Depression or misery or unfortunate deaths.  It's more him traveling the country with his Standard Poodle, Charley.  I'm looking forward to seeing a lighter side of Steinbeck.

My first review book of the year is another memoir style book - Flat Broke with Two Goats by Jennifer McGaha.  I think the title pretty much says everything there is to say about this one.

My first audio book will be a full cast dramatization of Agatha Christie's Appointment with Death.

What is your first book of 2018?

For more first book inspiration check out the amazing Sheila's post over at Book Journey


  1. These all sound good! I love the title for Flat Broke With Two Goats. I bet that will be an interesting memoir. I hope you enjoy all three of these, Katherine. Have a wonderful New Year and Happy Reading!

  2. I want to start the year with a class too. I just don't know which one yet!

  3. Happy New Year my twin sister!!! Hope you have a great year with great books. It sure does seem as if you are kicking it off on the right foot. I haven't read a John Steinbeck in years....

    Happy reading and I do hope that I will have a better blogging year!

  4. I hope you enjoy your first book of the year. Happy reading in 2018!

  5. Flat Broke with 2 Goats sounds quite intriguing. My first book is one I posted on Instagram called America the Cookbook, and also one from the very great Tom Clancy. Happy New Year! Hugs...RO

  6. Oooh, I love Travels with Charley! Enjoy and Happy New Year:)

  7. I love your pick. I love Steinbeck, but I haven't read this one either.

  8. Very nice picks! Especially APPOINTMENT WITH DEATH. Who doesn't need a little Agatha in their lives? Hope you have a great 2018!!

  9. You are so planned out! That is awesome. I'm not sure what will be the first book I read this year. I haven't even decided, but I think I will look into it today. Here's to a new year. I don't think I've ever been so excited to see a year end. 2017 was rough!

  10. I've heard of Flat Broke before and it looked interesting- I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it.

  11. Great picks!! Enjoy them and Happy New Year!

  12. Looks like a great pick! And that looks like a good Christie too.

    Happy New Year!!!

  13. I hope you are enjoying your first reads of the year! Happy New Year!!!

  14. Enjoy! They sound like good choices. Happy New Year!

  15. Great choices! I should try Travels with Charley. I usually find Steinbeck depressing (I've read all of two, but still), but that one might be more fun.

    My first book of the year was also my last of last year; I started it last night and finished it this morning: Tempest, by Beverly Jenkins. It's the third in her Old West trilogy featuring Rhine Fontaine and his two nieces. This one takes place in the Wyoming Territory, and was pretty good, though I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the first two.

  16. I am really curious about Flat Broke with Two Goats. I really haven't given a lot of thought about what books I started the year out with but maybe I should next year.

  17. You are certainly starting 2018 in style:)). I hope you enjoy them all, Katherine. And a very Happy New Year...

  18. You go on starting your year with a classic Steinbeck. I need to get some of that in my reading; I'd prefer audio though. My first book of this year is that of the Miss Marple series.

  19. I'm looking forward to your review of the Steinbeck. I've read a few of his novels but have always been curious about the book you'll read. I hope you enjoy it. Happy New Year!

  20. I haven't read that particular John Steinbeck, but it does sound good. Thanks for sharing.

    Mine was Every Breath You Take, the fourth book in the Under Suspicion series by Mary Higgins Clark & Alafair Burke.

    Since 2015, I've read another one in the series.

    Enjoy your picks!

    1. I meant to say: Each year since 2015, I've read one of the books in that series.

  21. FLAT BROKE WITH TWO GOATS sounds delightful. I'm definitely going to check it out this year.

    Happy New Year!

  22. Looks like you have some great variety to begin the year off, enjoy. Happy New Year.

  23. Flat Broke with Two Goats sounds like a book I should pick up and read. Happy New Year.

  24. Enjoy your first books! Happy New Year!

  25. You have it all planned out! They all look like great choices.

  26. My first book is Saturdays at Sweeney's by Ashley Farley. I didn't realize it's the final book in the series!

  27. Oh you have it all planned out. lol I hope you enjoy all three. I went with a favorite author and a just for fun book for my 'first'. And had a great time with it.
