Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday Linkups - 12 Angry Librarians

It's Friday linkup time!  I'm linking up with the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, Book Beginnings of Fridays hosted by Rose City Reader, and the Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice

This Week's Book Blogger Hop Question:
When reading a mass paperback book, many people fold the cover back, as if they were reading a magazine.  Doing this will eventually create creases in the spine.  How do you feel about this common bookish habit?  

My Answer:
I'm not a fan of this habit even though I don't keep my spines like new.  I also probably wouldn't loan books to anyone who did this unless I was just giving them the book.  However if I see a stranger reading like this I have no opinion.

This week's book is Twelve Angry Librarians by Miranda James.  I read the first book in the series years ago and then never got back to it for some reason.  So far that hasn't kept me from enjoying the eighth book in the series.  I can never resist a cozy mystery featuring a librarian and I love the puns on classic movie titles that all the books in the series have.

The Beginning:
"But I don't want to do it."
I glared at my administrative assistant and long time friend, Melba Gilley.  "You know how much I hate public speaking.  Why can't Forrest Wyatt do it?  College presidents do this kin of thing all the time."

My Thoughts:
I don't blame Charlie for not wanting to do public speaking - especially if it's not a regular thing.

The 56:
I felt a sudden brief chill at Randi's jesting words.

My Thoughts:
If you're feeling a chill at jesting words I'm thinking things are not going well!

So what do you think?  Keep Reading?


  1. OK, I know that I'm weird, but I hate seeing spines creased. That being said, I rarely read mass market paperbacks these days. The print is too small. I do pick up a trade paperback at times, but again, sometimes the print is too small. I realize that my feelings for books is a bit odd. LOL

    Miranda James' series is one I've meant to read for a long time - 8 books in now. Sigh. Congrats to the author! Bad for me and I guess I'm just going to have to calm my little OCD-ish mind and read series books wherever they fall in the series. ;-)

  2. This sounds good. I, too, gravitate to books with librarians as characters. I hate creases in spines. I want my books to stay in better condition than that. I'm spotlighting Year One by Nora Roberts. Happy reading!

  3. Librarians and other bookish things are some of my favorites in books, especially a cozy mystery. This one sounds good! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. You had me with the title and a cozy! LOL I'll go check out this series.

    My Friday 56 from Look For Her

  5. I had this book in my hands when I was at Barnes & Noble earlier this week. The title just grabbed me. Then I realized I haven't started this series yet (even though I bought the first book when the series premiered). So I put it back and will try to get to my copy of the first soon. I love all the titles and covers in this series.

  6. That's a good point! I definitely wouldn't let someone who is known for breaking spins borrow my books either! I didn't think of that. But I definitely agree if strangers are doing it with their books then it doesn't bug me at all. :) Awesome answer. Happy reading & have a good weekend!

    My Book Blogger Hop!

  7. I wouldn't keep reading on this one, but that's just me. I don't like it when people pull back the book covers, tearing up a book is an awful thing to do!

  8. Love, love, love this cover. Don't think I've read this author before, but I should add her to my list. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. Oh,oh. 12 Angry Librarians. I've been at meetings like that. Ha! My Friday Quotes

  10. I have this on my Friday blog too. Have fun reading!

  11. I also am careful who I lend my books to. I want them back in the same condition they were when I shared the book.

    It is difficult to keep the spine pristine, but I do my best. I have had used books that had pages fall out because of bending of the spine.

  12. This sounds like a fun series. I agree that you can't go wrong with a library themed mystery. I hope that you enjoy this one! :)

  13. Twelve Angry Librarians sounds like the kind of book I would enjoy reading. I mean, it has a librarian for a main character, which scores it a couple of extra brownie points in my book.

  14. I tend not to bend the cover back all the way like that it is newer or a pristine looking book, but if it's a used copy full of creases already, I figure it won't matter if I do it too. I wouldn't do this if it's a book that didn't belong to me though.

    I just read another of the Cat and the Stacks books, Claws for Concern. :-) It was my first in the series. I hope you are enjoying Twelve Angry Librarians!

  15. This cozy looks like a book lovers dream! :-) Happy weekend!

  16. This books sounds so good! I really need to try this series. Have a great weekend! :)

  17. ooooo I love cozies! will have to check this series. Have a great reading weekend!

  18. I don't read a ton of the mass market paperbacks ( the smaller ones) but I tend to fold the cover. It is such a bad habit!! Other paperbacks I don't. Happy reading!!

  19. Love the title for this cozy, I need to look up this series. :)

  20. I love this series. I can't wait to read this one.

  21. I think I fall in line with you on the spine folding. I won't do it, I don't want people doing it to my books, and, while I might cringe a little seeing a person do it to their own book, I can let that go.

    Twelve Angry Librarians *snicker* At first I didn't get it until you said it was a tongue in cheek movie title and now I remember so I find it clever. Fun that the mysteries are all around libraries and librarians. I'd keep reading.

  22. Either Randi's jesting words aren't so jesting or they are hitting on some truth. Enjoy your weekend!

  23. This is the second time I've seen this and it looks awesome. I love that cover and the title!

  24. Looks fun. Love the title too. :) A "cat in the stacks" mystery sounds pretty good to me!

    And I do NOT like bending covers back lol.

  25. I love the sound of this one:). No good my objecting to broken spines - Himself is very tough on the books he loves - his solid favourites regularly need replacing as he loves them to death...

  26. It sounds like just the kind of cozy mystery I would love. Thanks for sharing the opening on Book Beginnings. I don't often get time to comment, but I appreciate your participation!

  27. I do crack the spines of my books. I try not to but I usually end up doing it. Sounds like a good cozy and I look forward to your review!

  28. I admit, I'm guilty of that. I think if you lend someone a book, you should let her know you don't want the spine cracked. This cozy series is on my list for this year!

  29. I have found myself folding the cover back from time to time. Not very often, and usually I notice I only do it at school, not at home.

  30. Yeah a spine cracker so wouldn't get lent a book. lol

  31. It's been so long since I have read a paperback that I have no clue how I hold one. XD
