Saturday, January 6, 2018

This Week in Reading - January 7

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

This was cozy mystery week for me which I'm sure surprises absolutely no one. 

Lord of the Pies by Nell Hampton - I have to admit that I'm fascinated by the whole royal lifestyle and so a bit of behind the scenes was completely irresistible.  Through in some murder and there was no way I could resist! (NetGalley)

Better Off Read by Nora Page - I love cozies involving librarians so there was no way I could turn this one down - especially when the victim just happens to have spent the weeks before his death checking out books on how to commit murder!  (NetGalley)

The Body in the Ballroom by R.J. Koreto - I really enjoyed the 3rd book in the Lady Frances Ffolkes mystery series I read last year so I was super excited to see that Koreto has a new historical mystery series - and one that involves Alice Roosevelt as an amateur detective!  (NetGalley)


Reading:  The English Wife by Lauren Willig, Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck, and Dial M for Mousse by Laura Bradford.

Listening:  The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Gailbraith.  I also finished A Good Marriage by Stephen King which I enjoyed though I'm still giving some boxes in the garage some side eye.

Watching:  J and I are watching Top Chef and enjoying it though I haven't picked any favorites just yet.  We're also getting caught up on the sit-com Life in Pieces which I really like.  

Off the Blog:

It's been a great start to a new year!  I spent New Years inside wrapped in a blanket and avoiding the frozen temperatures which I'm not all that thrilled about.  It's supposed to warm up a little next week and I'm not sad!  The Tornado went back to school on Thursday but due to the temperatures they had a 2 hour delay both days.  I think every first day back to school after a break should have a 2 hour delay.  Normally morning are teetering on the edge of disaster and we're frantically trying to get everything done and out the door on time but with the delay everything was smooth and we were in good moods.  The transition was so much easier than normal.  The trials and tribulations of non-morning people!

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Promise Not to Tell - Romantic Suspense Review
Tuesday: Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2017 but Didn't
Wednesday:  Death Below Stairs - Historical Mystery Reivew
Thursday:  The English Wife - Historical Fiction Review
Friday: Friday Linkups with Current Book
Saturday:  Excerpt from Susan Mallery's Sisters Like Us

Have a great week and happy read!


  1. I have been loving bringing out more cozies lately, too, although not nearly as many as you've enjoyed. I do have a few on my Kindle that I can pull out when the darker mysteries are too scary.

    I've been considering The Cuckoo's Calling...and I remember reading A Good Marriage a while back. It was pretty scary.

    Enjoy your week!

  2. Those cosies sound really interesting. Have a great week!

  3. Lord of the Pies- love that title! Glad you had a cozy New Year's- we did too and it was awesome lol. Too cold out!

    Death Below Stairs might be calling me so looking forward to your review of that!

  4. Sounds like its freezing your way, seen some of it on our news. Ah yes, not surprised by all your cozies reading, you made me laugh. Hope The English Wife is proving a good read.

  5. I spent the week snuggled inside. The weather has been so cold but we are starting to warm up and will be back in the 60s this coming week. Stay toasty:)

    My Sunday Post

  6. Lord of the Pies is a very cute name :D and I totally get it... Absolutely not a morning person either!!

  7. Those cozies look good and I hope you enjoy them. I keep thinking I'll get back to reading those types of books, but so far, others have taken precedence. I loved THE CUCKOO'S CALLING. Hope you like it. I really like Robin and Cormoran (of course). Wish she'd come out with #4 in the series.

  8. This is the coldest it has been here in like 4 years. I hope it warms up because it is a killer on the heating bill. lol Have a great week!

  9. Yay! Glad that your week is going by well!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  10. Oh I like the audio for the Robert Gailbraith series. I am watching Top Chef too and have a couple of favorites but we will see. Ugh this weather!! I need it to warm up. I refuse to go outside. Have a great week!

  11. Enjoy your new books and have a great week.

  12. I haven't watched Top Chef for the last few seasons. I kind of miss watching it, though. And I'm with you . . . I love the delays after a holiday break. They make it so much easier to get back in the swing of things.

    Have a great week!

  13. I have had my eye on Lord of the I am sure I will grab it soon. :) We are listening to the same book! Are you likeking The Cuckoo's Calling?

    Have a great day!
    Week in Review

  14. I've been off for two weeks, but it still feels hard to go back tomorrow.

    I wonder how Travels with Charley is going?

  15. I dont read cozies - I dont know why... they always look good and Minnesota weather is so perfect for cozies :)

  16. The cozies look fun, especially Better Off Read. Haven't these temperatures been wild? It was 7 degrees here this morning. In Virginia. And it's been under freezing for more than a week. Even the tidal Potomac has a fair bit of ice on it (though it's not totally frozen over; I don't think that has happened in my lifetime. Further upriver, maybe, but not down here.) Luckily, it looks like we'll be back to normal temps or even higher by the middle of the week... and back down in the 30s by next Sunday. At least we'll get a break!

  17. I hope you are enjoying The English Wife. I can't wait to read that one! Mouse goes back to school tomorrow after her break, and while I know she's excited at this moment--it's going to be tough for my husband to get her out the door in the morning. One of the times I'm especially glad I'm already at work at that time! I hope your temperatures warm up soon. Stay warm and safe, Katherine. Have a great week!

  18. Cozies are perfect for this type of weather! I have been struggling to stay warm too, especially living with The Man who is from Massachusetts and doesn't believe in heat. I'm ready for at least 50s every day. I could live with that.

  19. Lord of the Pies just sounds like fun... and what a great title!

  20. I hope you're enjoying The Cuckoo's Calling. I really love those books and I NEED the next one. I guess she's been so busy with Cursed Child though. Sigh. Better Off Read sounds all sorts of awesome. I have to look into that one!


  21. I want to get to The English Wife. Love Life In Pieces too!

  22. I am so not a morning person and could appreciate a nice 2 hour delay. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

  23. Ooh, is A Good Marriage in a short story book? Don't think I've read that Stephen King book. I wish our school district would set up a two hour delay so that I didn't have to drive in the bad weather, and then we didn't have to worry about taking whole days off when the weather/roads are bad first thing in the morning. Have a great week!

  24. Seeing the title, Lord of the Pies, made me giggle! Added that series to my TBR. I want to request it but have books to finish first.
