Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Murder is Announced - Classic Mystery Review

Goodreads: A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie

Rating: Loved It! (5 Stars)
Source:   Purchased

Description:  The villagers of Chipping Cleghorn, including Jane Marple who is staying nearby, are agog with curiosity over an advertisement in the local gazette which reads: ‘A murder is announced and will take place on Friday October 29th, at Little Paddocks at 6.30 p.m.’ Is this a childish practical joke? Or a hoax intended to scare poor Letitia Blacklock? Unable to resist the mysterious invitation, a crowd gathers at Little Paddocks at the appointed time when, without warning, the lights go out…

Genre: Mystery - Classic

Why I Picked This Book:  This was the August pick for the Read Christie Challenge 2024

My Impression:  This is a fantastic Miss Marple book that starts with an little ad in the newspaper and ends with some amazing sleuthing on Miss Marple's part.  There's a fabulous cast of classic Christie characters.  Neighborhood busybodies, Old Colonels who are still stuck on their days in India (and will tell you about them if you stand still too long), overbearing mothers, a wife who may have an iffy background, and the upstanding center of the community and a whole host of others. 

The mystery was an intriguing one with a really great premise.  I loved how Miss Marple was pulled into the case and her interaction with the police was really great.  There were a few laugh out loud moments for me.  As well, even though I remembered the solution to this mystery it did not dim my enjoyment in the reading one little bit.   

This is a Miss Marple mystery I would recommend to readers who are wanting to try a Christie book and are not sure where to start. It's a fun read with a great mystery and classic characters.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? Of course!  I'm looking forward to the September read -Ordeal by Innocence.

Would I Recommend this Book? Absolutely!  If you're a mystery reader this is a must read.  


  1. I love Miss Marple. I got the whole set of audiobooks with Joan Hickson narrating.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. Wow what an interesting premise to begin the book. I see 5 stars, something that you don't often award.

  3. I love Miss Marple! need to read this one.

  4. I am sure I read this, but you have me wanting to do so again!

  5. Haven't read Christie in a while, though she has been a favorite mystery writer. Must remember this one.

  6. I really liked this one, too! Miss Marple is so great. :D

  7. I definitely want to read this one.
