Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Books I Read That Provided a Much Needed Escape

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups!  Today's topic is Books That Provide a Much Needed Escape.  Sometimes there is just the right book at the right time and these are ten of those books.

1.  The Grace of Wild Things by Heather Fawcett - This was just a breath of fresh air when I was feeling a bit low and stressed.

2.  Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer - I was teetering on the edge of a reading slump when I got the audio of this one and was thoroughly delighted by this one.

3. Be My Ghost by Carol J. Perry - Carol J. Perry is one of my favorite cozy mystery authors and this one involving a haunted inn was just what I wanted.

4. Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie - Every time I think of this book I picture Miss Marple sitting on the verandah at the seaside resort thinking over things and I can almost feel the sea breeze.

5.  Midnight at the Blackbird Care by Heather Weber - This was just one of those right books at the right time.  I was tired and needed a pick me up and this was just the right book.  

6.  Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan - I listened to this while my son was in the hospital and it was wonderful.  I had a good cry and was fully captivated by the story and the characters.  Visiting a winter-y England was a lovely escape from a hospital room.

7.  Shattered Silk by Barbara Michaels - When I was in college this was one of my go-to rereads after finals to give my brain a little break.  I loved the characters and adored all the vintage fashion.  It's still one of my favorite rereads after a brain draining time.

8.  Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q Sutanto - I read this book last year while recovering from Covid and it was just the right book for recovering.  It kept me entertained enough that I was able to just sit and read and most importantly get some rest!

9.  Hotel of Secrets by Diane Biller - This was just a fantastic mini vacation to Austria with intrigue and romance and gorgeous gowns.  It was just a delight to pick up this book and tune everything else out for a bit.

10.  What You Are Looking For Is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama - Just looking at the cover of this brings my blood pressure down a notch I think.  This was such a lovely bookish calming book.  It's like a deep breath and a warm blanket with a cozy cup of tea.


  1. I love escaping into any book by Agatha Christie or Barbara Michaels! :D

  2. I agree about Once Upon a Wardrobe and also loved her story about Flora Lee. She has a new book out in March 2025 titled The Story She Left Behind.

  3. I am always wantint to read a good escape book. I do now have on my shelf The Grace of Wild Things after reading your review of it. Not read it yet but will.

  4. I loved Assistant to the Villain and Vera Wong! I really need to read Once Upon a Wardrobe.

  5. I loved the Vera Wong book. I have Once Upon a Wardrobe in my TBR. Looks great.

  6. I have only read a couple of these but they all sound like the perfect books to escape into!

  7. I think I have The Grace of Wild Things shelved on Goodreads. I'll have to check. ☺
