Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Fives - Five Classics on My TBR

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random fve lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.  September always feels like back to school time so here's some classics on my TBR that I didn't get around to reading in school.

1.  The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James - I've read Turning of the Screw and didn't love it but want to give James another try.

2.  Middlemarch by George Elliot - I read A Mill on the Floss in high school and while it was not an upper I do remember enjoying it and have been meaning to read more from Eliot.

3.  Emma by Jane Austen - I'm slowly reading my way through Austen's works and this is one of the few I have left to read.

4.  The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas
- This is one of my dad's favorite books but I've yet to read it.  

5.  Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy- I read Hardy's Tess in highschool and loved it even though it broke my heart.  I always wanted to read more by him but never managed to actually do it.

What classics do you want to read?


  1. Middlemarch is on mine! There's something about a doorstop book that I can't resist.

  2. I have toyed with the idea to link upn with the Classic Club but never quite pull the trigger on it. Maybe next year. I too ahev read Turning of the Screw and wasn't super invested in it.

  3. I read Far From the Madding Crowd a few years ago and really liked it; it's not as heartbreakingly sad as Tess of the D'urbervilles. And I love both Middlemarch and Portrait of a Lady. I know Henry James's writing isn't for everyone, but I am a fan of all of his books. Though Turn of the Screw is not a favorite.
