Wednesday, September 6, 2023

What You Are Looking For is in the Library - Fiction Review

Goodreads:  What You are Looking For is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama (Translated by Alison Watts)

Rating:  Loved It (5 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  What are you looking for?

This is the famous question routinely asked by Tokyo’s most enigmatic librarian, Sayuri Komachi. Like most librarians, Komachi has read every book lining her shelves—but she also has the unique ability to read the souls of her library guests. For anyone who walks through her door, Komachi can sense exactly what they’re looking for in life and provide just the book recommendation they never knew they needed to help them find it.

Each visitor comes to her library from a different juncture in their careers and dreams, from the restless sales attendant who feels stuck at her job to the struggling working mother who longs to be a magazine editor. The conversation that they have with Sayuri Komachi—and the surprise book she lends each of them—will have life-altering consequences.

With heartwarming charm and wisdom, What You Are Looking For Is in the Library is a paean to the magic of libraries, friendship and community, perfect for anyone who has ever found themselves at an impasse in their life and in need of a little inspiration.

Genre: Fiction

Why I Picked This Book:  The cover caught my attention and I love books set around libraries so I thought I'd give it a try.

My Impression:   This was just lovely.  There are five different stories about five very different people all linked by feeling a little discontented or lost.  All five people discover the library and through that librarian Sayuri Komachi.  
These are gentle stories.  Not sweet stories but stories with a gentle pace and message.  Each character goes on a journey of self discovery and self reflection as they figure out what is missing in their life or what they are looking for.  I loved each character though I must admit I did find the story of the working mother feeling lost and overwhelmed was probably my favorite.
I read this book in a day - not because it was a fast paced edge of your seat kind of read but because I was pulled into the world the author created and loved each of the characters.  I especially loved seeing the characters from previous stories woven into each story.  
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and its quiet uplifting feel.  Each character was relatable and I couldn't help but cheer them on their journey.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author? I would absolutely read more by this author.  I was really surprised by how much I loved this book.

Would I Recommend this Book? If you are looking for a gentle lovely read this is one you absolutely should not pass up..

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. This is not something that would have caught my attention but it sounds lovely. I will have to look for it.

  2. I so want to read this one! And my library just put some copies of it on order. Yay! Can't wait to check it out. :D

  3. Oh this does sound worth reading and I do love the cover as well. Will look it up.
