Sunday, September 17, 2023

This Week in Reading - September 17

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  This week went by really quick and somehow I didn't manage to pick up any new books!


Reading:  The Book Club Hotel by Sarah Morgan and The Other Alcott by Elise Hooper

Listening:  The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

5 Good Things That Happened This Week:

1.  Rover had a good week of classes.  We were told we were ready to show in Rally and he had a few good runs in Agility and he found all the hides in scentwork.

2.  We got into the obedience class I wanted so we can start training towards formal obedience as well.

3.  It wasn't a billion degrees with 200% humidity.  Outside was even pleasant for awhile though since it's been cooler at night and only in the high 80s during the day it's been too cold for swimming.

4.  We are on countdown for vacation!  I can't wait!

5.  I made a cake this week and love the buttercream recipe I used.  The perfect mixture of sweet and buttery and vanilla-y.

What good things happened in your week?  
Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. How did you manage not to get any new books this week? I envy your restraint. I could go for a year without getting any new books and just begin to make a dent in my too be read pile. But then I'd be a year behind in reading new books....

  2. Your week sounds amazing. Yay for Rover! And are you liking The Book Club Hotel? I've got that one on my TBR list.

  3. Great job Rover and you! Uh if you lived in MN 80s are not too cold for swimming. I was thrilled with our cool down and lower humidity this week in NC too. Have a great vacation!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  4. The high 80's and too cold for swimming? Wow everyone would be in the water here if it was that temp. The Other Alcott could be interesting so look forward to your thoughts on that. Good on Rover he is doing so well.

  5. I really want to read The Book Club Hotel. I love the title and the author. Great list. Hope you have a great vacation.

  6. Geeze Katherine... have a heart and give the buttercream recipe! 😉

    It sounds like Rover is all grown up and ready to settle in to competitors, maybe? 🐶

    Yay for vacation. 🎉
