Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday Fives - Five Bookish Books I've Enjoyed Recently

I'm in a list making kind of mood so I thought I'd start making random five lists.  Sometimes they'll be bookish other weeks not so much.    I'm focusing on bookish books this month and here are five bookish books I've read and enjoyed recently.

1.  The Keeper of Hidden Books by Madeline Martin - Books are the focus in this heartbreaking book set in Poland during World War II.  Books are the lifeline for the characters as well as something to protect and a tool for rebellion.

2.  Murder Off the Books by Tamera Berry - Not only are the characters big readers on their own but the main character is a mystery writer and frequently acts out scenarios to help with her writing which leads to some hilarious scenes.

3.  With Love from London by Sarah Jio - The only thing better than inheriting a bookstore in London is discovering the mother you never really knew through books.  

4.  The Littlest Library by Poppy Alexander - I do love when a character finds where they belong and it's even better when they get to know that place through books!  This was such a fun bookish read!

5.  Crimes and Covers by Amanda Flower - I love that the theme of this series changes based off what book the shop decides to hurl at the main character.  And I love that there is an opinionated raven and disappearing artist tuxedo cat.

What bookish books have you enjoyed recently?


  1. I love the magic bookstore series by Amanda Flower!! I am reading one in that series right now!

  2. An interesting set of books that are bookish.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Great choices, I'd like to give The Littlest Library a read and Crimes and Covers sounds like a lot of fun.

  4. I thought The Littlest Library was a very cute read. And I'm looking forward to reading The Keeper of Hidden Books. Happy Friday! :D

  5. I want to read all of these! Amanda Flowers' series has long been on my radar and one of these days I'll actually get to it.

  6. I read The Littlest Library and loved it. The other books sound good too.

  7. Glad you enjoyed these! I've read a couple by Sarah Jio that I really liked.

  8. The Littlest Library has such a great cover. 📘
