Monday, September 11, 2023

Death in the Romance Aisle - Cozy Mystery Review

Goodreads:  Death in the Romance Aisle (A Survivors' Book Club Mystery #3) by Lynn Cahoon

Rating: Really Liked It (4 Stars)
Source:   Publisher

Description:  Rarity Cole is taking full advantage of her second chance at life after recovering from breast cancer—running a bookstore in Sedona and a support group for fellow survivors. She’s also discovered a knack for defeating other kinds of deadly threats . . .

Rarity is excited about expanding the romance section of her store—but not nearly as excited as her best friend Sam is about reuniting with her brother after many years. Marcus makes the trek from California to Arizona, is welcomed with a party, and hints that he may stick around now that remote work is an option.

But is it just a coincidence that not long after his arrival, a body is found near a local swimming hole? Especially considering that the dead woman had recently gone on a date with him—and even worse, that Marcus has a startling secret in his past? The police suspect him, but Rarity hopes to find another explanation before Sam is once again separated from her sibling—by prison walls . . .

Genre: Mystery - Cozy

Why I Picked This Book:  I really loved the first book in this series and enjoyed the second book - plus, I have enjoyed almost every book I've read by this author.

My Impression:  I really enjoyed this third book in the series.  The Survivors' Book Club is back with a new murder to solve.  Unfortunately, this victim is a young woman known and liked by them all.  Janey is a graduate student that Rarity hired to run children's book clubs at the bookstore.  She is overflowing with enthusiasm and ideas of how to make the book clubs special and help Rarity improve the romance section.  When her body is found by a quarry Rarity is shocked and determined to find out who would want to murder the serious and likable young woman.  
Unfortunately, Sam's brother Marcus is in town after a long absence and has secrets in his past that push him to the front of the suspect list.  It doesn't help that he was one of the last people seen with Janey.  Rarity now has to figure out how to protect her friend and help with the investigation at the same time.  There are definitely some bumps on the road - especially since Sam's boyfriend, Drew, is the lead detective on the case.
I was really glad to see the book club take a more active role in this book than they had in the last book.  It's no secret that I love a mystery solved by a collaborative effort and a mystery solved by a book club turned sleuthing club is kind of a guarantee of a winning book for me.   I enjoyed being back in Rarity's world seeing her run her bookstore and her life in Sedona.  The writing pulled me in from the first page and made me feel like I was visiting friends.  I've enjoyed Lynn Cahoon's books for years and while I was lukewarm on the second book in this series I really enjoyed this book and look forward to seeing more of Rarity in the future.  

Would I Read More of this Series/Author?  Absolutely!  This is a cozy mystery author whose books I always enjoy.

Would I Recommend this Book?  If you enjoy bookish cozy mysteries this series is a great choice!

* I received this book in exchange for an honest review.  As always my opinions and impressions are completely my own. *


  1. This does sound like a good cozy series. I'll add these to my list since I've already read and enjoyed a different series by the author.

    Sophia Rose

  2. I always love this author and I really need to read this series.

  3. Interesting. I have yet to read this author.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. This series is on my TBR. One of these days . . .
