Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday - Favorite Character Relationships from Recent Reads

Today I'm linking up with Top Ten Tuesday hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl which is all about lists.  Since lists are one of my favorite things this is one of my favorite linkups! Today's topic is about favorite character relationships.  I'm looking at books I read recently and picking my favorite relationships be they romantic, friendship, or family.

1.  Veronica and Patrick (both of them) from How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior - I loved this grandmother/grandson (and human/penguin) relationship.  It really made me love this book.

2.  Zofia and Janina from The Keeper of Hidden Books by Madeline Martin - I loved the friendship between the two girls in the most challenging of times.  

3.  Miss Silver and Frank Abbott from Patricia Wentworth's Miss Silver mysteries - I love the combination of the prim and proper elderly Miss Silver and the cynical aristocratic Frank Abbott and their mutual admiration of each other.

4.  Mrs. Pollifax, Carstairs, and Bishop in the Mrs. Pollifax series by Dorothy Gilman - I love any scene that involves Carstairs and while he and Mrs. Pollifax are rarely in the same room when they are it is just gold.

5.  Harper and Ivy from The Sweetheart List by Jill Shalvis - I loved all the relationships in this book but the relationship between Harper struggling to find her way and lost teenage Ivy was especially sweet.

6.  Frank and Sarah from the Gaslight Mystery series by Victoria Thompson - Frank and Sarah's relationship is what really sells this series.  I love how they listen to each other and respect each other and they have such a wonderful marriage.  

7.  Tess and Gertrude Harrow from Murder Off the Books by Tamara Berry - This mother/daughter relationship is one of my favorite things about the mystery series.

8.  Poirot and Hastings from A Mysterious Affair at Styles (and other books) by Agatha Christie - The interactions of Hastings and Poirot always make me laugh.  I love how Poirot brings Hastings back to earth when he gets to carried away with his crazy ideas and how Hastings  will very kindly poke fun at Poirot's mannerisms. 

9.  Charlie and Diesel in the Cat in the Stacks Mysteries by Miranda James - I've always considered myself more of a dog person than a cat person but Diesel is absolutely the best animal sidekick.

10.  Maria and Eli in Hotel of Secrets by Diana Biller - Not only was this a bit different from the usual romantic relationship with the Maria being the more experienced one but I loved how the two interacted and appreciated each other for who they were.  

What character relationships have you really loved in your recent reads?


  1. I really enjoyed The Sweetheart List and all of the relationships that formed. Harper reaching out a hand to help Ivy was especially good.

  2. Frank and Sarah! I love their relationship. :D

  3. Awww, the penguin books looks and sounds really cute! I need to take a closer look at that one.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  4. Of the three books I've read I totally agree about the relationships. I especially love those older/younger relationships. So positive.

  5. That Gaslight Series looks really good! I will have to add it to my list!
