Sunday, October 2, 2022

Life with Leukemia, a Puppy, and Some Reading

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Peril in Paris by Rhys Bowen - This is the newest book in the Royal Spyness series and I'm looking forward to seeing what Georgie is up to now.  (Publisher)

The Wife's Promise by Kate Hewitt

The Daughter's Garden by Kate Hewitt

The Bride's Sister by Kate Hewitt

The Widow's Secret by Kate Hewitt - This quartet of books is coming out next month and they all look really interesting.  I'm looking forward to mixing them in with my mysteries.  (Publicist)


The Plot and the Pendulum by Jenn McKinlay
and Mrs. Pollifax and the Golden Triangle by Dorothy Gilman

Listening:  The Long Call by Ann Cleeves

This has been a pretty busy week.  Will had a forensics science class where they studied blood splatter science and then he ran around outside with some friends after class.  It was so amazingly wonderful to see him having fun like that.  We were supposed to have a field trip with our homeschool group but after class and all that and a tough round of chemo he just wasn't feeling up to it so we skipped it.  It's to a big cat preserve that looks amazing but thankfully it's open to the public so we will go on our own on a better day.  

Rover (who is not supposed to be on the furniture but every time I turn around he's up here looking out the window and I don't have the heart to make him get down) also had a busy week.  He had his last Beyond Manners class and his 2nd scent work class.  He also has been playing with Comet (our cat) and Will which has made him the happiest dog ever.  He's doing pretty well on not getting too enthusiastic with them which makes me think we are making some progress.  He knows his commands and can do really well but when he gets excited the fact that he's still a puppy becomes really clear.  The fact that he's able to hold himself back a bit when he's excited is such a good sign.

The dog fair last weekend was so much fun and I got a ridiculous number of steps in.  I talked to a K9 volunteer search and rescue group that was there and am considering signing up.   The training sounds really fun but I'm not sure if I can do it timewise.  It would be really rewarding to be able to help with searches and you and your dog have helicopter riding training which would be pretty amazing.  I'm back and forth on it.  Other than that my allergies have been driving me crazy and I have a horrible sounding cough (I've taken several covid tests - all negative thankfully).  I've found the best relief at night with Vicks Vapor Rub which surprised me a bit but I'm not complaining!  

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I need to go grab Peril in Paris, too. I'll be reading it before I know it.

  2. Sounds like a good week! Having lived with a puppy for a year I completely understand the slow steps and then sudden progress of having a puppy. Rover does look adorable looking out that window! I hope you manage to make a trip to the wild cats' reserve soon, that does sound like a great spot. I hope you have a good start to the week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. Lots of good books and historical fiction. That search and rescue course for your dog sounds exciting, but I'm sure it takes a lot of time and effort! Have fun!

  4. Sounds like Rover is doing great! I love books set in Paris, so I may try and pick up Peril in Paris too. Here's my SP:

  5. I am glad to hear that Will had such a great week!!

    Oo the K9 rescue stuff sounds amazing. I have been listening to the trial for the Kristen Smart Case on Your Own Backyard podcast, and there have been at least 3 witnesses about K9 searches and it was fascinating to listen to.

  6. Rover is getting SO big! I bet he and Comet will be the best of friends eventually.
    The big cat preserve is something I would enjoy and i hope you all get to go soon.

    I like Kate Hewitt but have not read any of the books you mentioned...yet. I was going to tell you that Daisy Darker might be better to read than listen to but, not sure. If the reader does it right they will tell you when there's a shift in time. The end blew me away.

  7. Rover is adorable. My dogs love looking out the front window too. Sounds like Will has had. a good week, that's wonderful.

  8. I will keep an eye out for your thoughts on the Kate Hewitt books. Can you believe that I have never read anything by Anne Cleeves? I know....

    Aah Rover is a good boy! Anna has had 2 puppy school classes now and she is really doing good! For a 4 month old terrier, I think she's actually doing brilliant!! But like you say, when excitement hits, all commands are out the window.

    Have a good week Katherine and happy reading!

    Elza Reads

  9. As a former science teacher, that forensic science class for Will sounds like a blast! Sorry he wasn't up to the big cat trip, but I'm sure you'll be able to go another time and enjoy. Hope you have a better week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  10. Well it sounds like so much fun. The K9 work would be time-consuming but also rewarding I would think I hope Will and your cough are better this week.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. Library Lovers is my favorite cozy series and I am a bit bummed that I will probably not be getting the eARC as I have requested and it's still pending and the book comes out soon. Can't the pubs just say denied instead of drawing things out. Anyway I will put in a request at the library for it but can't wait to read it!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  12. Glad Will had a great week - hope this continues. I'd be willing to overlook Rover and his couch comfort too LOL Hope you all have a great week.

  13. So glad to hear that you and Will had a great week. Rover is so cute. I would have let him stay on the chair too. Peril in Paris looks good. I've read a few in that series.

  14. I'm glad Will is having fun. I am smiling about how the dog wants to climb on the furniture.

    Your books look good. I have enjoyed a book by Rhys Bowen, so I might check this one out. Have a great week.

  15. Good 'ol Vicks Vapour Rub. Takes me back some years. I giggled when I saw Rover up on the furniture, and good on you for not making him get off. What a gift he is to you all. Rhys Bowen is moving along with her Royal Spyness series. I so like them in audio I just stick to that version. Will be awhile before I move through.

  16. Your Rover is darling! So glad you and your family had such a good week. :D

  17. I liked the Rhys Bowen I read. I think it was the Christmas Royal Spyness one- it's been a few years.

    The big cat preserve sounds neat. The K9 search and rescue sounds amazing too. Glad Will had a nice week. :)

    Hope this week is a great one as well. .

  18. I’m so happy to hear that Will enjoyed his forensics class!

  19. I haven't thought about Vicks Vaporub in ages. My mom was a big believer in the stuff! Rover is adorable. I finally gave up on trying to keep my spoiled dogs off the furniture. I am glad that Will was able to have some fun this week. Happy reading!

  20. It's good to hear that Will has had fun with his class! And wow, Rover has really gotten big. I'm glad he's learning to control that enthusiasm a little bit. The search-and-rescue training sounds interesting, but a lot of work for both you and Rover. Maybe when things calm down for you all a bit?

  21. Hope you enjoy your new book!
    I'm glad that Will seems to be doing well...

    Rover sounds like an awesome dog! Is the a lab/retriever? If so, I'm sure he'll settle into the most solid and reliable boy once he ages up a little - especially since he's doing so well whilst still a pup!

  22. One of my authors met Ashley at HRR, and say she is simply wonderful. I really want to try all of her books & genres,

  23. I am delighted to hear that Will was actually able to join a class - which sounds like huge fun:). And seeing that pic of Rover brought me up short as to just how much he's grown. He looks adorable staring out of the window... I'm sorry about the cough and glad that good ol' Vicks has come to rescue! Hope the coming week is a good one, Katherine:).

  24. I'm so happy to hear that Will got to run around and play with friends. That just makes me smile. I'm sorry he wasn't able to go on the field trip, but I'm glad it's open to the public so you can go later. I hope he continues to do well!

    My Sunday Post

  25. I'm happy to hear about Will having such a good time!

    And it's always fantastic to get in a lot of steps.

  26. Wow! Such a brave soul for going through puppy training, and yes he looks adorable on the couch.😃 Yay for all those steps too👏🏼👏🏼 Sending lots of hugs, prayers and positive thoughts to you and the family. ❤ RO

  27. You got some great books! That forensic science class sounds like so much fun. Lucky Will! I hope you are feeling better and that cough is gone. I hope you and your family have a great week.

  28. A big cat farm sounds like so much fun I hope you all get to go soon. 🦁🐅🐆

    Maybe make that chair the only piece of furniture Rover can be on? You could get a pet throw for it. They are easy to grab and take off if company arrives. 🤗

    I hope you are feeling better soon. 🙂
