Thursday, October 6, 2022

Books for the Backlog - Pane and Suffering

Today I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog.  I really enjoy the chance to feature a book that's been hiding in the piles of books for far too long!

Goodreads:  Pane and Suffering by Cheryl Hollon

Blurb:  To solve her father's murder and save the family-owned glass shop, Savannah Webb must shatter a killer's carefully constructed façade. . .
After Savannah's father dies unexpectedly of a heart attack, she drops everything to return home to St. Petersburg, Florida, to settle his affairs--including the fate of the beloved, family-owned glass shop. Savannah intends to hand over ownership to her father's trusted assistant and fellow glass expert, Hugh Trevor, but soon discovers the master craftsman also dead of an apparent heart attack.

As if the coincidence of the two deaths wasn't suspicious enough, Savannah discovers a note her father left for her in his shop, warning her that she is in danger. With the local police unconvinced, it's up to Savannah to piece together the encoded clues left behind by her father. And when her father's apprentice is accused of the murders, Savannah is more desperate than ever to crack the case before the killer seizes a window of opportunity to cut her out of the picture. . .

Why It Needs to Come Off the Shelf:  I read a later book in this series and really enjoyed it but felt like I was missing a lot of the backstory so planned on going back and reading the first book.  That was years ago and I still haven't gotten around to reading it!


  1. This sounds like it would be a good bet, especially since you have enjoyed later books in the series. I think that it sounds fun!

  2. Such a cute title, and I love that dog on the cover too

  3. This is another series I want to catch up with.

  4. I did that with Slade House. It was meant to be easily read as a standalone, but I felt I was missing getting the full impact without reading The Bone Clocks. That was at least six years ago and I still haven't read The Bone Clocks. 😯
