Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Ten Cookbooks On My To Try List

 I used to love to cook. I'm not a creative cook who can open the refrigerator or the pantry and create something competely off the top of their head and have it be fabulous.  Nor am I a person who can recreate a restaurant meal or suddenly come up with a flavor combination or anything like that.  I do, however love cookbooks.  I love flipping through them and choosing recipes to try.  I even enjoy making the grocery list and the meal plan but the best part is taking the pile of different ingredients and making something that is (usually!) really good!  But in the last few years between traveling and living out of hotel rooms, health issues, a quick unexpected move, severe health issues accompanied with chemo taste buds, moving home, general exhaustion and all that I kind of stopped cooking.  But lately I've been really missing it and have been enjoying finding my footing in the kitchen again.  When it comes to cookbooks I'm a big library used so here are 10 Cookbooks I'm planning on checking out and trying soon!

1.  An Unapologetic Cookbook by Joshua Weissman - The attitude of getting back to basics and cooking what you like appeals to me though I haven't watched anything from Joshua Weissman.

2.  Everyday Dinners: Real-Life Recipes to Set Your Family Up For a Week of Success by Jessica Merchant - I know nothing about this person or this book but the title and subtitle got me so I'm hoping it will provide some good go-to meals.  

3.  Baking for the Holidays: 50+ Treats for a Festive Season by Sarah Kieffer - I've been cutting way back on desserts but I do love to bake so I decided to give this festive cookbook a try.

4.  Simply Julia: 110 Easy Recipes for Healthy Comfort Food by Julia Turshen - Another book I know nothing about but I like the idea of healthy comfort food so thought I'd give it a try.

5.  Baking with Dorie: Sweet, Salty, & Simple by Dorie Greenspan - Another baking book but I've had such good luck with other books from Dorie Greenspan I just couldnt' resist this one.

6.  Grand Dishes: Recipes and Stories From Grandmothers of the World by Anastasia Miari and Iska Lupton - I only have a few family recipes but I really treasure them and so wish I had more.  Even if I get no food out of this book I'm looking forward to flipping through it.

7.  Food Between Friends by Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Julie Tanous - I really enjoyed Jesse Tyler Ferguson on Modern Family and thought this cookbook looked fun.

8.  Quick and Delicous: 100 Recipes to Cook in 30 Minutes or Less by Gordon Ramsay - Somehow I have never tried any recipe from Gordon Ramsay or watched any show he's been on.  And while I don't love what I've seen of his tv persona I've heard good things about his recipes.

9.  Dinner in French: My Recipes by Way of France by Melissa Clark - The title caught my attention.   I've really enjoyed what French cooking I've done and this sounds very approachable.  

10. Quick Cooking by Mary Berry - I love Mary Berry and this looks like a newer cookbook so I need to try it.  

What are some of your favorite cookbooks?


  1. Katherine!! Now you’ve given me more cookbooks to request from the library! I am definitely looking forward to Simply Julia, the Gordon Ramsey and Mary Berry books. Dinner in French sounds amazing too!

  2. I love cookbooks, too... thanks for suggesting a few more to look for at my library!

  3. The Weissman book sounds interesting. I'm going to look for it. 🍲

    My mother gifted me the Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cookbook when I got my first post-college apartment and the first boyfriend she had ever approved of. Ha ha. It has been my main cookbook ever since. It's been used so much it's pretty tatty. It has my own friends and family famous pumpkin pie recipe written in the back. 🥧

    Hugs for you. I'm glad you have been feeling more like cooking. ❤

  4. I'd like to try some French cooking as well. I love a good cookbook. Even if I don't use them a lot haha I love paging through for ideas. :)

  5. I love looking through cookbooks but I never end up actually cooking from most of them. I do some when baking but I tend to wing it in the kitchen. I hope that you find some recipes that your family will love in these!

  6. With my kitchen just being completed I am really cooking up a storm. My daughter is thrilled because my gluten-free food is better than almost all takeout. When I moved from MN to NC, I pared my cookbooks from 600 to the 150 I use more regularly. I'll definitely look into these at the library.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I was able to get the Julia Turshen and Gordon Ramsay ones at my library right away!

  7. I am not a cook, I have sisters though who are! Great idea to note 10 you want to at least browse through and maybe find something that appeals and hooks you into wanting to try out.
