Saturday, November 20, 2021

Life with Leukemia (and Some Reading) - November 21

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Nothing!  I'm trying to take a bit of a break from getting new books.  Not a long break of course but just a bit of one.


The Bat by Mary Roberts Rinehart
and Petals and Poison by Jess Dylan

Listening:  Dreaming Spies by Laurie R. King

So we got the school room basically setup with the pictures and what not hung up.  I really like how it came out and it's been wonderful having a place dedicated to homeschool again.  We've really been enjoying it so far.  This is one of the few rooms in our house that gets a lot of natural light which is also really great.  Will picked the color of the walls and helped get everything laid out.  I want to get more books, more stuff for the walls, and more odds and ends but I figure that will come and it's good to have some space for growth.  I figure this room is also able to grow with him pretty well.  

I don't love how slouchy the bean bag couch ended up being but it is comfortable and big enough to relax on during reading or things like that.  

Other then that it was a pretty tough week.  Will had a sharp increase in nerve pain which is caused by one of the chemo drugs and the steroids.  They're going to do an MRI to rule out a couple of conditions that can occur with adolescents undergoing cancer treatment but we are hoping that none of those are an issue and that we just need to play around with medicine to get everything under control.  

We are getting ready for Thanksgiving.  We normally have our big meal on Friday but we will be going to my mother's on Thursday and then we have something really fun planned for Saturday so I'm trying to make sure Will gets plenty of rest so he's not worn out by then.  We did manage to get 2 turkey breasts (none of us are dark meat fans) which was a relief as I'd heard that finding turkeys this year was a bit of a challenge.  I've got just a couple of more things to pick up and we should be good.  This year is SO different from our Thanksgiving last year and in the best possible week.  

If you celebrate Thanksgiving are you ready or do you have tons of stuff left to do?

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Nice pics of the school room!

    I don't do much for Thanksgiving other than drive north of visit my family, which I'll be doing Wednesday. Trying to finish one more book and write the review before then.

  2. I love your school room! Looks fantastic. Sorry to hear about Will's pain this week though. Hoping it turns out to not be too challenging.

    We're pretty ready for Thanksgiving I think. We have most of the necessaries in place... now it's just time to cook and feast lol! We're not dark meat fans either. We got a somewhat smaller turkey this year as there's only going to be a few of us, but looking forward to Thanksgiving!

  3. Yes - love the school room its fabulous. Wasn't it a really wise decision to home school way back now. Hope your Thanksgiving is really lovely and you can celebrate well. Such a lovely idea. Hope Will's nerve pain gets sorted.

  4. Those rooms look great! Enjoy, and have a great week. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  5. I love the colour of the room! I hope that Wills pain is managed quickly.
    We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia obviously but I am looking forward to the Black Friday sales

    Wishing you a great reading week

  6. Love the school room. Great color choice.

  7. I love the school room and hope everything goes well for Will to enjoy the holiday this week. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  8. Sorry to hear about the nerve pain and hope they can get it under control so that he can enjoy Thanksgiving and whatever fun thing is planned for Saturday!!!!

    The school room looks GREAT! Love the color!

    Congrats on finding white meat turkey. I'm going out today in search of turkey thighs since it's just me and the 94-yo and we both like dark meat.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. I love the looks of your school room! I am trying not to get a lot of new books too!

  10. The schoolroom looks terrific! I love the color, and the comfy beanbag chair.

    I hope Will's pain goes away, and that the cause turns out to be the medications (so they can be adjusted.) He has been a trouper throughout this whole thing.

    May your Thanksgiving be a time of refreshment and joy for all of you!

  11. The school room looks awesome; I like the color Will picked too. Sorry it was a rough week for Will and, hoping Thanksgiving plans find him feeling better. There were more turkeys than ever it seemed in our area and great prices as well - but, everything else we needed seemed 2X as much as normal. Have a great week Katherine.

  12. The schoolroom looks so cozy! It is definitely nice to have a dedicated space.

    Hope Will is able to get rested up and feel better.

    I'm looking forward to Petals and Poison!

    I will be cooking our turkey ahead of time this week and making a large batch of refrigerator mashed potatoes. I think I'm all set.

    Have a good Thanksgiving!

  13. The school room looks great! Love the bright blue color too! We are doing Thanksgiving a little different this year because of family coming from out of town late, so we will have a dinner instead of a later lunch. Have a great week and hope that Will is able to get rested up and enjoy the holiday too!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  14. Your school room is beautiful. I like the natural light and the blue walls.

    I hope all will go smoothly with Will's changes in medication. And I hope you are both able to enjoy your Saturday surprise.

  15. The school room came out beautifully - beautiful color and so much light!

    Hope Will gets plenty of rest is able to enjoy a pain-free Thanksgiving. Take crae, Katherine.

  16. The rooms look wonderful.

    I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. I absolutely love the school room wall color. The room looks great! That bean bag couch does look super comfortable. 📔

    Hugs for Will and boo for the nerve pain. Sending all the positive vibes for his testing. I hope it's a no steroids time soon. ❤

    I can't wait to hear about your secret activity on Friday. 🙌

    Sebastian gets a marinated turkey breast for himself because I don't eat red meat or poultry, and he was able to find one. There was no fresh rosemary anywhere, and to my ultimate disappointment... no jellied cranberry sauce. I've never had a cranberry sauceless Thanksgiving before. 😯

    I hope this week has been going better. Happy Thanksgiving! 🥧

  18. Your school room looks great! I do love the blue and comfort is important so I am all for that bean bag sofa. I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration.
