Sunday, May 3, 2020

This Week in Reading - May 3

It's Sunday Post time!  This is hosted by the awesome Caffeinated Book Reviewer and gives us all a chance to recap our week.

What I Got:

Death at High Tide by Hannah Dennison - I really enjoyed other books by this author so I had to pick up this first book in a new series! (Publisher)

The Falcon Always Wings Twice by Donna Andrews - I do love a cozy title pun and this is one of my favorite series.  (Mystery)

Love Without Borders by Angela Braniff - I've been following the Braniff family on their YouTube channel for years and couldn't resist picking up her book.  (Purchased)


Reading:  Sugar and Vice by Eve Calder, Come Sundown by Nora Roberts, and A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

Listening:  A Family of Strangers by Emilie Richards

Watching:  We decided to take a break from British crime and have branched out in Australian crime and are watching a show called City Homicide (that was apparently on from 2007 to 2011 or 12) on Amazon Prime and are enjoying it.

Off the Blog:

New week, same story.  Our stay at home order has been lifted and replaced with a safer at home order which is basically a few more things are open but not all that much has changed for us.  We've been playing a pretty good bit of Animal Crossing and I am heavily in debt to a power hungry but very upbeat raccoon.  Also, something is blooming and my allergies are going bonkers so I'm about 60% Benadryl at the moment and fairly groggy.  The library here has announced they're going to start doing curbside service where you can place holds on books and then pick them up or order a grab bag of 10 books of any genre you choose.  I'm very excited to try it out and will as soon as it starts in the next week or two.

May is my birthday month and since my birthday is this week it's going to be birthday in quarantine!  Luckily several of my favorite restaurants are doing takeout.  I just have to find a bakery that is open and baking cakes I like!  I've already done a fair bit of birthday shopping.  

On the Blog:

What Happened:

What's Coming Up:

Monday:  Reviews from the Children's Section - Escape from Mr. Lemoncello's Library
Tuesday: First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro
Wednesday: Pumpkin Spice Peril - Cozy Mystery Review
Thursday:  Books from the Backlog
Friday: Friday Fives
Saturday: Case Closed - Classic Mystery Review

Have a great week and happy reading!


  1. I feel like there are so many fun looking mysteries coming out lately and I'm so behind on them! Cozies have been looking good to me too (the times probably have something to do with that!).

    Happy birthday this week!!

  2. I've never heard of City Homicide. Is it any good? I had binge watched Outer Banks on Netflix last week.

  3. Death at High Tide sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Love that cover of Sugar and Vice! I hope you are enjoying it.

    I hope you have a Happy Birthday, Katherine! I hope you can find a cake you like. :-)

    Have a great week.

  4. Love the new reads! I hope you enjoy them! I love that library idea. I don't know if/when libraries will open where I am. We got an extended stay-at-home, but I think similar is coming next. I've got terrible allergies right now too and take my flonase each morning to stay sane. I hope you have a wonderful week!

    My Weekly Update

  5. That sounds like a great idea for library. I wish I had a library nearby. And we have moved to fewer restrictions phase now.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  6. Sugar and Vice looks good, I love Cozy Mysteries and their covers are always so nice. Have a great week!

  7. Wish I had prime tv but I have to get my British/Australian crime etc from Acorn TV. :) Hope you are enjoying that new one your watching!

    Enjoy your new reads! Stay safe and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  8. So sorry to hear about the allergies:((. If it's any consolation, as I've grown older, my symptoms have steadily lessened so that now in my 60s, I no longer need any medication and apart from the occasional sneezing fit, I am clear of it. Whereas I used to be afflicted through most of May and June with temperatures, nosebleeds, bloodshot itchy eyes, blistered, bleeding fingers... And I could easily have sneezing fits lasting over half an hour.

  9. May is my birthday month too! We are also going to do a quiet birthday.
    Yesterday i realized I officially HATE spring. While the weather can be very nice, it's not worth the runny nose, itchy eyes and headaches. I miss Fall lol

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Katherine! Stay Safe and Happy Reading! xx

  10. My allergies have been horrible as well. I wake up with a headache and then sneeze all day. I hope that you start feeling better very quickly. I have heard of libraries doing curbside service but I guess St. Louis is just too big for that to happen. I hope you enjoy your new books and have a wonderful week!

  11. Allergies are a constant annoyance at the moment! I have so much sympathy for you right now as I share your pain! :(
    Hope you have a good week!

  12. I have allergies all year round but I rarely have trouble with the regular meds I have for it. (Allegra and Nasonex). I used to suffer horribly though and as a kid I had asthma too. That's exciting about the library. I have had no change because I do all digital. I need my books! My birthday is this month also. I haven't even thought about special food. We have been eating pretty well all the time.

    Take care, be kind and sensible!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  13. I've been wanting to read A Family of Strangers.

    I hope you can work out some good things for your birthday. Enjoy!

  14. I love what you're library is doing! For now, I'd just love to be able to get the books I have on hand returned before I lose them somewhere in my house.

  15. Death at High Tide catches my eye! I'm a sucker for this kind of mystery. Enjoy!

    My weekly roundup post.

  16. My daughter and I started playing AC this week and gosh, I feel you on being in debt to a raccoon. It's a good thing that game is cute and relaxing!
    Enjoy your new reads!


    Bummer about your allergies. :( Good luck with your state's re-open.

    Happy reading, happy birthday, and have a good week.

  18. Our restrictions were lifted a bit too but not any different for me. i don't eat take out but was a bit horrified at the throngs that went out here in NZ to get it. Talk about desperate! The Falcon Always Wings Twice title made me chuckle.

  19. Haha! I love it that you are heavily in debt to a power hungry raccoon!

    Our restrictions were lifted here in Texas. The pictures I saw from Galveston on Saturday were frightening. I hope the virus has dissipated with the heat that has arrived here.

    Have a good and safe week.

  20. I'm currently listening to Eve Calder's first book in her series. It's so good. I'm sure the one you are going to read will be good too. Enjoy! Have a great week!

  21. It's been a mix here, with a few places open. And yes, it's been the worst with allergies, which is crazy since I've been indoors a lot more than usual. I hope though, that they don't bug you during your birthday week. As for my library, they are still closed for another while, just had everything renewed for another two months. We'll see how that goes because I'm missing my library already.

  22. Happy Birthday this week and I bet you can find some good cake! Enjoy!

  23. Happy, Happy Birthday! Like you, I've been suffering with a stuffy nose, which is the pits, but at least I'm not in debt to a raccoon!(lol) Feel better soon! RO

  24. Allergies are a bit wonky here too. Yay for your birthday month and cool that your library will start curbside service.

  25. When they lift the lockdown here, maybe in the summer or beyond, nothing will change for me as I'm quite happy at home with my books, puzzles and TV! It's harder when you have kids of course. Happy birthday!

  26. Happy birthday! I hope your allergies are better! 🙌🙌🙌
