Tuesday, May 5, 2020

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intro - Thunderstruck

Today I'm linking up with Socrates' Book Reviews for First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros.  This is a meme I've been following for quite sometime and always enjoyed seeing all the different first paragraphs so I'm really excited to be linking up myself!

Today I'm sharing the first paragraph from:

Goodreads:  Thunderstruck by Erik Larson

On Wednesday, July 20, 1910, as a light fog drifted along the River Scheldt, Capt. Henry George Kendall prepared his ship, the SS Montrose, for what should have been the most routine of voyages, from Antwerp direct to Quebec City, Canada.  At eight-thirty in the morning the passengers began streaming aboard.  He called them "souls".  The ship's manifest showed 266 in all.

So what do you think?  Keep reading?  I absolutely adored Dead Wake by this author and am hoping this one lives up to the other one.


  1. I do like this author and, haven't read this one - it sounds good.

  2. Wow, now I am intrigued. Thanks for sharing...and enjoy.

    Here's mine: “THE SWEENEY SISTERS”

  3. Yes, definitely keep reading. I have at least one of Erik Larson's books on my shelf just waiting for some attention. This sounds really good!

  4. Oh yes.....the sense of foreboding would have hooked me.

  5. I'm intrigued; it's a little creepy and foreboding. I'd keep reading.

  6. I hope you kept reading. It sounds intriguing. 👍✨
